Ireland politics (Part 1)

Ah here @johnnysachs, you can’t expect the HSE to modernise like that. Think of the poor paper pushers who would lose their jobs. Also for a country with a lot of IT firms located here we are really shit at introducing IT solutions into our public services. Or maybe it’s just an unwillingness by the public service to introduce new technology.

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I propose John Delaney.

Why not? It’s not like the politicians have covered themselves in glory here. Every thing they touch with regards to the health service is turned to shit.

Why not have independent appointee and make them answerable to health committee or to the toaiseach. I would prefer that than some drop out swiveling wretch like Harris.

Maybe if he was empowered to take on the unions and run the health service free of political interference he might have some luck

Give it a rest, pal. You were well and truly clamped.


Not in the slightest


Ah the man that knows it all. So please enlighten us as to the answer because let’s face it no political party has yet.

So @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy put your moneyes where your mouth is? Come on let’s hear it.

Per the HSE website - “The HSE provides health and social services to everyone living in Ireland. Our services are delivered to young and old, in hospitals, health facilities and in communities across the country.”
“The HSE is a large organisation of over 100,000 people, whose job is to run all of the public health services in Ireland.”

There is a lot more to it than A&E. It is a myriad of semi-independent organisations in multiple locations.

There is no “fixing” it in current state.

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im no expert mate so I doubt I can come up with a solution.
One thing I do know, is that when the brits were under a proper socialist government atlee the NHS was set up and that was a game changer for them. We need to take step to the left as a nation

The country was built on the mindset of the shopocracy and large farmer who look down their nose on the working classes - That mindset, engraved in our media and political parties, won’t be shifting to the left any time soon. All you have to do is look at our joke of a labour party to tell you all about this country.


yet the hogs with their snouts in the trough such as taze and Julio wonder why our health service is shit

Some way of accessing health services without presenting at a and e would be a big starting point. Most people who attend a and e don’t need to be admitted so why are they presenting there.

Then have step down facilities - nursing home beds, home care assistants so elderly people can be discharged.

Once you are in the system the treatment is generally really good but getting in and out is hopelessly inefficient.

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Howlin has just said the garda commissioner make allegations of sexual crimes against Maurice mccabe. Pity the cunt wasn’t like this when in government.

Wallace and Claire Daly must be sick of the heat and have told journos and whistle-blowers to get more “respectable” TD’s involved.

He is just jumping on the mick and Claire bandwagon. Can’t let them take all the glory for taking down another garda commissioner or possibly another minister for justice.

That’s a fairly explosive allegation to make. O’Sullivan is finished if it’s true.

He must be pretty sure it’s true, Howlin doesn’t seem the type that would take a punt on a bit of gossip.

It is and if its true it won’t be just O’Sullivan that will be finished. There will be a load caught in the fall out.

It’s like the Alan Farrell claims against Ellis and Ferris all over again. TDs being used as puppets for a vested interest?