Ireland politics (Part 1)

What a pair of cunts.

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Mick calling them out -

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As @artfoley mentioned, Maurice McCabe’s solicitor met with Katherine Zappone about the Tusla scandal last month. Frances Fitzgerald in the Dáil yesterday said she was unaware of this. This isn’t credible.

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The mainstream media have been busy circling the wagons.

However, public disgust at what seems to have happened here is hopefully going to hold some culprits to account.

It’s a bare faced lie and it shows you the contempt FG have for the people of this country that they think we are thick enough to swallow it.

Callinan brought Shatter down with him and O’Sullivan will do likewise for this hapless fool.

Regarding FF, it’s too early to pull the trigger. A lot more damage to be done to the FG yet.

They might not have to pull the trigger.
The whole waiting list scandal has more to it as well I feel

Only twice in the history of this state has there not been a general election in a year ending in 7.

That settles it so. I’ll disconnect the doorbell and glue up the letterbox tonight

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Sack her and forfeit her pension

That’s what needs to happen to clean up this shit show.

Allegations of child abuse - scary what can be done if you cross the line.


FG are going to try and deflect all this onto Zappone.

Sack her alone is it? No recriminations for the scumbags that put her in place and have aided her along the way?


Or how the email Adams sent the commissioner re the Stack murder was being offered around Leinster House by Indo journalists to any politician who would broadcast it.


**[quote=“TheUlteriorMotive, post:2415, topic:18085, full:true”]
Sack her and forfeit her pension

That’s what needs to happen to clean up this shit show.

Allegations of child abuse - scary what can be done if you cross the line.

You think that will happen? If this gets too hot for her she’ll get a visit from a senior civil servant and will sign off on a 100k pension.
Meanwhile in the background somebody will leak a story of how Gerry Adams admitted back in 1976 that his beard was not real and the whole thing will be forgotten about


I hope you’ve eaten lunch before seeing this pic

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Couple of possibilities here. She could have told Fitzgerald and/or Kenny and was told to keep her mouth shut.

About being caught on the phone? That wasn’t years later, in any case it was a thing of fuck all consequence that Shatter was an eejit to bring up in the first place

Mick Clifford coverage of this from the word go has been excellent. Kudos

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