Ireland politics (Part 1)

Sorry art. Your sarcasm detector must be a bit underpowered this morning


In an animal farm sense. The phrase pig-like cunning is common parlance. I’d often use it to describe enda kenny and, well many of the current and previous political crop.
That’s the problem with Irish politics. You need to be have an innate pig-like cunning above all else.
And a job which leaves you with a lot of time to canvas.

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The counsellor and the initial complainant were described as being one and the same on Morning Ireland as well. Maybe that’s where ccha heard it too. I was waiting for the presenter to correct the apparent error but they didn’t.

Would be fantastic if a few journalists got wrapped up in the fall out. Imagine if McCabe could take down Callanan, O’Sullivan, and Paul Williams. A statue would be in order.


Zappone, enda and Franny are dangling in the wind too. Now would be a good time for Leo to open his gob again

Kenny, Fitzgerald and FF knew what was doing the rounds yet kept publicly backing O’Sullivan, their incompetence never cease to amaze. O’Sullivan keeps lying through her teeth and denying any knowledge of any conspiracy when her trotter prints are all over it. Shatter, Callinan, O’Sullivan should all be jailed if this is true. Most of the FG cabinet should resign. Cunts are now trying to deflect blame to Zappone and Tusla. No sign of Paul Reynolds, I turned over to Newstalk to see if that snake Williams was on but he’s scattered like the rest of the rats.


How is Zappone culpable? This must of all went down before her time.

No mention of this fiasco on the front page of the Indo today. They lead with a picture of the pair in 50 Shades.

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The copy and paste line is set to become a classic of Irish political scandals. If they had left it at a mix-up between two files or statements or something of that nature it wouldn’t sound quite so farcical.

Zappone has been aware of this since January but kept schtum about it during establishment of commission of enquiry. I think she is untenable


Thanks be to Jaysus for the likes of Mick Clifford. If it was left to the rest of the establishment cronies who write for the papers we wouldn’t have a fucking clue what’s going on in this country.


Imagine if that cunt Shatter was cut up in this too. Would be the icing on the cake.

I think this will lead to an election by the end of this year/early two eighteen.

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Will this bring down the government?

Inda will be distraught if he does not get to greet Pope Francis next year

Him and the independent TDs who have backed McCabe from the beginning.

It could do . Ultimately that will be FFs call .

It would be unreal… And you can be sure if the government can, they will pin it on him.

When you think back to how quick the guards were to pull in Claire Daly for “drink driving” and splash it all over the papers, none of this should come as a surprise.


Not to mention how a roadside chat with Wallace ended up being mentioned in a justice ministers briefing several years later. Still no answer as to how that info was stored or brought to call onand attention


Clifford is a great bit of stuff. He has been plugging away at this shit for years.

I hope his car is taxed!


The Irish people should be very grateful to Daly, Flanagan and Wallace.

I remember Kenny mocking Flanagan in the DĂĄil after Luke referred to his meeting with a petrified Garda whistleblower and how they were followed by gardaĂ­. That fat, evil cunt Michael Noonan guffawing beside him.

Here it is: