Ireland politics (Part 1)

Very soft.

Gave him a lovely prompt to issue an apology.

FF are going to abstain from the vote of no confidence in the government. The pressure needs to come of FF. I wonder who else besides Zappone they will throw under the bus?

Why , when shit like this is uncovered do we seek to apportion blame onto the government of the day. It’s totally impossible for any government to be responsible for the actions of every member of every department under their control. Who I’d like to see grilled is the person who “copied and pasted” the ludicrous allegation against McCabe. Maybe then we might find out who pressurised them to do so and if that turned out to be a senior member of the guards or indeed a member of the Dail, then by all means open the gates of hell on the cunts.

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I hear @Brimmer_Bradley has been called in to defend this prick that opened the file on mcCabe by “mistake”.They’ve been put on gardening leave.

Fuck that. Let’s set @Nembo_Kid on noirin O Sullivan and let him unravel her logic. We’d all pay to watch that.

How would you even go about finding her knee caps

A complete sideshow. The counsellor, the girl and the HSE operative that handled the file - keep it simple and see who got leaned on by someone on the Garda side of things.


Nothing has been proven yet and everyone involved has to be afforded a fair hearing.

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I asked previously, why does a government that came in with a clean slate in 2011 proceed to continually cover up for high level corruption in the Gardai?

One theory I read today and which is quite plausible, is that when Martin Callinan met John McGuinness (Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee) in the car park of Bewleys Hotel in Clondalkin in January 2014, the rumours about Maurice McCabe that he told to McGuinness were designed to be a threat to McGuinness, ie. the unsaid message to him was that if he pushed the issue of Garda corruption, he could be discredited in a similar way by the Gardai too. McGuinness only revealed the meeting more than two years later when he was no longer Chairman of the PAC and Callinan had long gone as commissioner.

Given what happened to Pat Carey, as well as Claire Daly and Mick Wallace, the threat theory is very plausible.

Are senior members of the Government afraid of senior members of the Gardai?


You’re obsessed with the big conspiracy angle. They’re all political creatures at that level, all playing the same game IMO. Chasing after cabinet members in this respect is fruitless. Keep it simple, follow the thread of who knew whom, because while it was useful to Garda management in Dublin, the dirty work was done locally.


well now

Deering in John McGuinness’s constituency, and D’arcy in Howlin’s the two FGer’s to jump ship?

should make for interestimg watching when the shinners MONC comes to town

The what-now?

Only one of these statements can be true:

No confidence.

If FF abstain then surely we have an election.

Where are John Halligans principals at the moment? Are these Independents going to do the right thing & pull the plug? They are leaving FF sit back at re-energise without lifting a finger.

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Motion Of No Confidence


Not any great surprise that it’s Deering. Along with John Deasy and Brendan Griffin the most longstanding anti Kenny cospirator.

FF have to tread carefully - they’re up to their tits in collusion with other senior management in the Guards too, the non FG- aligned side