Ireland politics (Part 1)

Be interesting to see who does the best spread on this tomorrow. Anything new left to come out?



Let’s get the election posters back out

I’m sure that information has been circulating for a while, I definitely read something to the same effect somewhere on Friday, I can’t remember where.

O’Sullivan apparently claims she responds to most text messages generically with the words “perfect” or “thanks”.

But if she responded at all, she knew about it.

What procedures are in place regarding Mr. Noirin O’Sullivan’s possession of Dave Taylor’s phones? Can we presume they have already gone missing?

Anne Harris former editor has offered to give evidence that journalists were fed with smear stories about McCabe which she spiked.

Also seems to indicate from one of Williams articles that Martin met the complainant and was going to write to enda about it. Wonder where that letter is?

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Frances Fitzgerald stuttering and talking shite on RTE 1 now. At best she’s a hopelessly inept idiot, at worst she’s a mendacious boot that is up to her neck in this vile smear campaign.

Either way she is not fit to be TĂĄnaiste.


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Sow it in to her Claire

The last Williams article of three on the subject of the supposed allegations against McCabe, dated April 16, 2014 (the others are April 12 and 15, 2014) claims Martin was to meet (not met) the complainant.

But no more articles were written by Williams on the subject.

One can imply from this that Martin did not meet the complainant. If he did, he knows far more than he is letting on. Even if he didn’t meet her, he knows more than he is letting on, unless Williams made the whole prospective meeting stuff up.

It’s high irony that Frances Fitzgerald was a social worker before she became a politician.

Maurice McCabe has rejected the HSE’s apology to him.

Rejects the HSE’s statement as “wrong” and “false information”.

The statement “was unprofessional and more annoyance to us”.

Garda whistleblower Sgt Maurice McCabe has rejected the statement of apology released by the HSE yesterday.

It is understood the McCabes contacted one of Minister for Health Simon Harris’s officials after watching a news items setting out the details of the apology on the RTÉ News last night.

The HSE has not yet made contact with the McCabes in relation to this apology.

The McCabes sent a text to the official stating: "We reject both the statement and apology. The HSE statement is wrong and this is not good enough."

“The file we have contradicts the statement and it is shocking that we have to again listen and deal with false information.”

They did not receive a response.

The HSE statement states that once the alleged error was discovered all proper procedures were taken by the HSE.

However, documents released by Tusla to the McCabes highlights that there are serious questions to be answered.

“A blanket statement from the HSE without contacting us was unprofessional and more annoyance to us,” Lorraine McCabe said today.

Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald has meanwhile said she had no knowledge of the circumstances surrounding a false allegation of sexual abuse against the garda whistleblower Sgt Maurice McCabe until details were revealed on RTÉ’s Prime Time programme.

Speaking on RTÉ’s The Week in Politics, Ms Fitzgerald also said she was not aware that a formal apology was going to be issued to Sgt McCabe by the Child and Family Agency, TUSLA.

She said she had a conversation with Minister for Children Katherine Zappone on the morning of 25 January before her meeting with the McCabes.

“That was the only conversation I had with her”, she said.

Ms Fitzgerald also said Judge Peter Charleton will include all of the matters discussed during the Prime Time programme as part of his inquiry.

FF top brass have surely disappeared for the week leaving the indo’s to topple the inda’s

I wonder will Williams turn up for the breakfast show on newstalk tomorrow morning? I wouldn’t be surprised if the fucker has gone into hiding.

I have been told that Fitzgerald, in meetings, has interrupted people who have worked with her for years and instructed them to address her as ‘minister’, rather than Frances.


Enda got an armchair ride on RTÉ earlier today. It’s not a proper country at all we live in. Embarrassing to any profession let alone journalism. Calleary of FF is a creep, ff have been a disgrace since this broke- John mcguinness excepted

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Who interviewed him?


Colm O’Mongain interviewed him on This Week on radio.

I thought it was a rather soft interview myself and gave Kenny ample time to waffle.

Hard see the government last a week .