Ireland politics (Part 1)

Time to put the army on the streets.

We should put the dogs on the streets, they seem to know more than the guards anyway

heres one from may which states martin met the complainant. and then wrote to kenny

Must have missed that one when I searched the Indo website yesterday.

Again, the details of that article appear to tally perfectly with the woman at the centre of the allegations against Maurice McCabe.

Here’s the front cover of today’s Sunday Times.

There’s a very relevant passage as follows from the main story by John Mooney.

One possibility is that the statement is a load of porky pie.

But if the statement is true, and if the woman who is the subject of these articles by Williams from April and May 2014 is indeed the same woman (then girl) who was at the centre of the 2006 allegation against McCabe and the same woman referenced in the rumours of recent years against McCabe, then it means Williams has entirely made up everything in his April/May 2014 articles.

The alternative is that there is an entirely different case of alleged sex abuse against a Garda, involving an entirely different woman who is the same age, was allegedly abused at the same age, made her initial complaint at the same age, also had it thrown out by the DPP, and re-made that complaint at the same time as the Tusla file on McCabe appeared.

I find this last possibility, while theoretically not impossible, to be highly unlikely.

You’re gone macro, as opposed to micro again. Focus on the local connections.

I’m establishing what part Williams played in the smear campaign against McCabe.

And christ does it appear he played a serious part.

Meh. Incidental really. Williams was a useful fool at best.

From May 2016:

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Your point being? We already know they were out to get him

What’s your point? Your posting here today has been very strange - none of it makes any sense.

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You need to be right. That’s fine, and well known at this stage.
I haven’t said anything too peculiar. I’m saying we’re all operating off guesswork until more emerges.
For my own part I think it’s fairly straightforward to trace who was after who, and who was in contact with whom; rather than chase down rabbit-holes

She is but I’m a little tired of hearing from journalists over the past couple of days about how they were fed outrageous stories which they chose not to believe but nobody made a story about the campaign at the time. Justine McCarthy at least went some way to acknowledging the failures of the profession in that respect but why didn’t she and Lord write about this at the time they were passed the information. Their silence was complicit in facilitating the likes of Paul Williams to write the stories they didn’t.


Mick Clifford this morning

"The phrase “cut and paste” has been used to explain this error. How so? Prior to the allegation there was no file on Sgt McCabe. What could be cut and pasted?

The file opened on Sgt McCabe had handwritten notes on the specifics of the serious allegation.

How did that originate? What could it have been cut and pasted from?"

Anybody got ano idea of how the numbers stack up for this no confidence motion. FF will abstain, but I reckon the independent alliance could be caught between a rock and a hard place. Withe FG determined to hang Zappone they might be tempted either to abstain or back the no confidence motion. What way would the numbers stack up if they either abstained or backed the motion?

McCabe’s have made a point of saying they have no issue with Zappone. FG’s deflection tactics are pathetic.

Fianna FĂĄil are horrible snakes too. Surely the logical follow on from their claims that Fitzgerald is lying would be to support the vote of no confidence in the government.

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Jim Callaghan stuck the knife into Fitzgerald this morning on Newstalk. Gave a detailed account of the conversation he had with her.

Supporting the no confidence motion is nothe an option for FF at the moment. They don’t want to be left holding this baby. It’s an absolute quagmire. The waiting list scandal also has a couple of nuggets in there I suspect which have yet to be revealed. The abortion issue is still hanging around like a bad smell. Anyone of the above issues individually has the capacity to bring down a government. Collectively if managed incorrectly could be the ruination of FG. MArrington ando FF would prefer to wait for at least another 12 months I suspect which could conceivably see them hit the high 60s or low 70s seatwise

The modus operandi of Frances Fitzgerald and Fine Gael here appears to be that if they are not in official possession of any information, they are not aware of it.

A very different approach indeed to that which they routinely take as regards anything to do with Gerry Adams.