Ireland politics (Part 1)

The inroads made by SF in the last couple of elections have rattled both FF ando FG. Therefore any opportunity to have a cut will always be taken by either FF or FG. itā€™s classic. " The enemy of my enemy is my friend " The current situation has left FG vulnerable and is a chance for FF to make inroads. This is an opportunity to take FG seats and is an easier option then trYong to take seats of SF.
But FF are quite prepared to wait in the long grass.

I reckon FF will take an ounce of flesh as a warning to Kenny and leave it at that. They will want someones head so they can give it big licks about holding the government to account and Kenny is so desperate to cling to power he will glad lose a minister if it means he stays in situ for another year.

Fitzgerald to be gone by Wednesday.

What time Wednesday ?

By Wednesday. It could be as early as 18:14 today


Williams was gas on newstalk this morning, they all took turns reading out a few headlines all of which were about the mcCabe stitch up then it was williams turn, some shite about a couple of Sinn Fein councillors who were turfed out of the party last week.Does anyone else notice that a lot of people were on holidays last week zappone leo williams.

Fitzgerald has herself tied in knots. FG continue to make an absolute hames of every crisis they encounter. FF were just so much better at getting away with stuff.

If this was FF weā€™d have had Oā€™Sullivans head and a tribunal underway, which takes 5+ years to complete (and comes to no real findings) by which time no one would give a shit anymore.
I donā€™t get why FG are so eager to protect Oā€™Sullivan. Thereā€™s nothing in it for them. Unless she has a few grenades in the arsenal were they to move against her.

Itā€™s optics for FG. They have already lost one justice Minister. To lose another one would be disasterous. FF are gunning for her though and OCallaghan has been batting on Pat Kenny and Sean ORourke this morning. They might have to settle for Zappone though as the scapegoat.

Scared of the domino effect, as happened Shatter with Callinan?

The zapper has been inconvenienced by all of this, she must take a short trip to Ireland to answer a few questions.


Not only lose another Justice Minister but also another Garda Commissioner. Surely Oā€™Sullivan has to go now as well. Fucking Zappone is not going to calm things down and I believe the McCabes have no issue with Zappone.

If they hang Zappone, then it will be a general election, the other independents will walk.
Fitzgerald and/or the commissioner are the only ones they can sacrifice if they wish to avoid a GE.

Zappone needs to come out all guns blazing, this has little or nothing to do with her really.

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People seem to forget it was Fitzgerald when she was minister for children that set up Tulsa. The woman needs to go. Will be interesting to hear what Zappone has to say.

Oā€™Sullivan is digging the heels in.
Sounds like she isnā€™t even bothering to deny their was a concerted campaign against McCabe, just that even if there was, itā€™s nothing to do with her.

A campaign of false accusations, repeated and multiplied, do not make me guilty of anything.

I have made it clear that I was not part of any campaign to spread rumours about Sgt McCabe and didnā€™t know it was happening at the time it was happening. I have repeatedly refuted that claim and do so again.

"The easiest option for me would be to step aside until the commission finishes its work.

ā€œIā€™m not taking that option because I am innocent and because An Garda SĆ­ochĆ”na, under my leadership, has been making significant progress, with the help of our people, the Government, the Policing Authority and Garda Inspectorate, in becoming a beacon of 21st Century policing.ā€

Either sheā€™s the biggest liar in the Gardai or sheā€™s the most incompetent. To be either takes some doing. Donā€™t let the door hit you on the way out Noirin.

Donā€™t let the door hit you on the way out Noirin.

Even if it does, there will be a nice pension in her arse pocket to cushion the blow

If you were innocent youā€™d step aside IMO, collect your wage for doing nothing for a year, come back vindicated. Sheā€™s only afraid of what happens when she loses control as sheā€™s up to her neck in it.


Yep, which is why sheā€™s hanging on, nothing to lose. Must be a lot of meetings going on between Guards and various Government departments getting their lies straight.

Jim oā€™callaghan will need to watch his back now or he could find a file about him in HSE or Tusla. :grinning: