Ireland politics (Part 1)

There’s too much going on today to even follow it. McCabe should have waited till it looked like the story might be dying out before letting this one off.

We are entitled to truth today justice can follow in its wake :ronnyroar:

Top top statement writing right there.

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It blew Kenny, fitzgerald and o’sullivan out of the water. None of them have a leg to stand on.

1/2 with PP to have an election in 2017. Frances Fitzgerald 6/4 to be the first minister to resign looks value, Zappone @4/9

If McCabe takes down Frances Fitzgerald, Enda, Noreen O Sullivan, Paul Reynolds and Paul Willians on top of Shatter and Callinan we should build a statue of him on O Connell st and declare the 13th of February St Maurice’s Day.


No way Zappone is going after her statement

McCabe’s statement moves things on another few notches.

It’s notable that Zappone’s comments at 4.30pm contradict Enda Kenny’s version of events in terms of timelines when he and the Tánaiste were aware of the Tusla aspect.

I said it here yday…she has an easy out for any claims she didn’t keep them fully informed…ehhhhhhhh I didn’t trust them based on past actions.

Seems she is gonna be swinging for the fences anyway

McCabes version of events would suggest they all knew full well way before then, which, given everyone seems to have known the craic, is by far the most plausible version

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St valentines day Mauricer!

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The trickle of rats leaving the ship will turn into a stream now that the government looks likely to fall. Fitzgerald has to go, O’Sullivan has to go, Zappone on the ropes and Kenny not in the clear either

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Make him a solid gold whistle as well

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Kenny’s gone too. No way he didn’t get transcript of higgins

Some FG TD has just called for him to step down. 2017 is kicking 2016’s arse. Unreal.

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You would expect FF cannot abstain now on vote of n c. Otherwise gives SF a free run in the impending election in relation to this issue.

Although this is all a distraction from central issue which is systemic Garda corruption.

Red Rover

Won’t matter . Govt as a whole won’t last .

By default Noirin O’Sullivan can breathe a little easier this evening

At least the RTE hacks can focus on something other than President Trump now.

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Dave taylor off the hook and this nugget from mccabe statement

"for example, against the background of the current TUSLA controversy, the entirely false allegation made of sexual abuse against Maurice in 2006 was repeatedly the subject of attempts at introduction in the proceedings for the purpose of discrediting his motives and testimony.

The entire transcript of that commission is also in the possession of the minister for justice and the foregoing comments can be easily verified by inspecting same"

Enda, noirin & Frances all in one headshot