Ireland politics (Part 1)

I never rode a munter without an ass load of it in my system.

you what now???


Back on topic.

Tribunal in whatever form is a waste of time.

I hope McCabe takes the state to the cleaners. It would be cheaper for all of us if he did.

As regards the dirty rotten pigs, fuck knows how those cunts will get their comeuppance…

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Vodka, mate. Very queer of you to misunderstand that saying.

This passage from Mick Clifford’s report on Howlin’s Dail revelations has been picked up on elsewhere on the INTERNET.

It would be the most GUBU thing of all if the identity of the journalist who contacted Howlin actually is who the wording of the passage appears to suggest it may be.

Surely not?


I think Mick does be smoking the long fags most days. He almost always has a slightly glazed look about him. He goes up even further in my estimation if this is the case.



I’ve never listened to the cunt on the radio but I read elsewhere on the INTERNET that “Pauline” was very critical of the Garda Commissioner yesterday upon his return to his show after being mysteriously off for a few days last week.

If he is called to inquiry of what ever form it is then he will sing like a canary. He knows that the commissioner is finished and he is needs to put as much distance between him and the Garda management as he can.

I’m sure Mehole was waiting for Enda this morning with a big smirk on his face.

I’d say it’ll be something like that scene where in hateful 8 where Samuel l Jackson meets Bruce dern’s son

The feeling on Morning Ireland was that McCabes statement yesterday was actually a relief to the Government in that it gave them a clear path out of the crisis. A Public Enquiry will be announced today after the cabinet meeting and everyone will move on.

They said the same on The Last Word yesterday.

They’ll have to come up with new terms of reference so they can address everything that was left out.

There’s many a slip twixt cup and lip.

I’d say SF are seething

Oh to be a fly on the wall at the meeting between Mehole and Enda and then the cabinet meeting. Will Mehole ask for a few heads for his support?

Be great for lads here to be able to move on and get outraged by something else too.

OK lads, lets not make this tiresome mehole thing a thing again. It didn’t take off 10 years ago, its not going to take off now.

They’ll go in and shoot the breeze for an hour then come out with serious faces saying that they had very tough discussions about how to resolve the crisis and that they’ve agreed on a public enquiry. O’Sullivan will need to step aside in the meantime I’d say.

So nothing is going to happen? :grin:

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Think it’ll take more than noirins head. There’s also the small matter of the 2 senior cops, one of whom subsequently promoted, who were preparing to give false evidence to O’Higgins until mccabe produced a tape of the meeting.

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I doubt they are. They had FF not supporting their motion which was a result . The “lets hear the bastard deny it” theory .

They too don’t want an election as they have one in O6. Also they could have been in a position where they might have had to enter government here which I am convinced they yet don’t really want .