Ireland politics (Part 1)

Nothing is going to happen because of FF’s insistence anyway. Up to the media, SF etc to lead the charge on this one.

I’ve never heard that before.

Means that enda & Michael think they have it sewn up but it could still be fucked up

And no two better boyos to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

The lovely Katie Hannon has been the star of this debacle. You get the impression she is as sound off air as she is on it.

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Indeed, this may well blow over. But the participants in the crisis are now so utterly fucking rattled, both physically and mentally, that they are on a hair trigger and the smallest thing may send the thing into a tailspin again. That’s what happened in '94, when the Whelehan thing had effectively blown over and then the Matt Russell/AG office delay came into the public domain and the whole thing went into meltdown.

The main players here have been up all night for the last week, figuring out how not to get caught out and are exhausted and drained. If one more curveball comes in it will more than likely be game over.

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I reckon there will be another shit storm when Dave taylor gets his phones back from noirins husbsnd

Has Meehall Martin missed a trick here?

FG are a laughing stock and look totally inept, FF are soaring ahead of them in the polls. Surely now is the time to pull the trigger and bring down the government before FG reorganise under a new leader.

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Enough about @Sidney, how do you think the political situation will play out, pal?

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The govt need another Trump biggie to divert attention .

Can we not just arrest someone in SF maybe? Whats Mairia Cahill up to these days?

Agree re FG and SF have an O6 election too. Does he know more than we do ??

FF have no appetite for an election for whatever reason. Maybe they feel they haven’t rebuilt enough on the ground. Need a bigger stable of candidates if they are to regain control perhaps?

I doubt they would ever get an overall majority any time soon, but they could easily have emerged as the biggest party. I’ve no doubt a more Machiavellian leader than Martin would have pounced on this.

I think FF don’t have the same war chest they once had .

You have to have some sort of grudging admiration for the brass neck on Kenny. He must be fuckin ruthless behind the scenes. Everything he touches turns into a shit storm yet he has still managed to hang onto power.

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What the fuck is going on on Liveline ?

Joe trying to take down Enda

Bad sign if you’re washing your dirty linen in public.