Ireland politics (Part 1)

Mick is gas, does he think anyone takes him seriously?

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Which of them do you take serious?

Paul Murphy, he seems a stand up gent and a man whose morals match my own.

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Mick Martin is twisting the knife slightly - no doubt all pre-arranged with Enda.

It’s actually disgusting.
It’s like a WWE or UFC game with all the rehearsed damage being inflicted.

I hate it when they use sporting references.

Endy Kenny is playing Junior C hurling cack handed now.


How many times has the stupid cunt been caught lying now. We know they all lie but this clown always gets caught. A stupid stupid clown of a man and this is who we have representing us in the Brexit negotiations. Just as well there isn’t much left to give away.


Stupid he may appear, but no fool be he.

Aye, he’s a towering intellect.

I wouldnt have thought that, but on you go.

He is just a parody of himself now. Sets new standards of buffoonary that seems to rub people up in an aptahetic sense as opposed to disgust and outrage. No one expects any better and even the much maligned Gerry has a higher approval rating than Enda.

He contradicted himself with 2 polar opposite statements in the space of 10 minutes. 2 drastically different statements and facts. A 7 or 8 year old child would have some level of gumption and would not do that. He is literally too pathetic to slag.

As you referred to:



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Ah FFS Sake fuck.


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Now thats a politician :clap:

No, he’s the leader of the country.

Enda can’t get out of his own way.


An inspiration.