Ireland politics (Part 1)

We don’t.

Time to see what ross & co are made of

Ming having a rant.

There is a whole culture of corruption that is endemic in Irish society.
It just undermines public confidence.
Its everywhere; Guards, Banking, HSE, Property, Charities.
Why should people have to put up with it and why when efforts are made to expose it are they met with resistance.

Elected representatives are fucking creaming it even though they have no accountability, “do not tell truthful information” as Enda Kenny euphemistically put it yesterday, are totally incompetent and not fit for purpose. These people exist to get elected, not to govern. They have made mugs out of all of us.

You pay an insurance levy for the next 20 years because of reckless trading by Sean Quinn.

You pay local property tax on your own fucking home after paying stamp duty, VAT etc because property developers couldn’t pay back their loans and govt saddled that debt with sovereign debt. Yet people like Michael O flynn et al maintain their standard of living.

Speculators invested in Ireland and the value of their investment went down yet we still paid them back with interest.

We have sold some of our best assets for a pittance and cannot even generate taxes from their activity.

Meanwhile there has never been more homeless people, kids spines are coming out their backs and they cant get an operation, we dont have the funds to build a fucking childrens hospital and the whole working class are struggling to get by. The common denominator is the government and their total and utter incompetence coupled with corruption.


And you think any future government are going to be any better ?

You’re living in cloud cuckoo land you do mate.

Don’t take politics too seriously mate. They’re all the same.

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These boys want someone to drain the swamp. Be careful what you wish for.

Maybe there might be some moral hazard if they dont continuously get re-elected.

Tell me where else is incompetence rewarded.

If they were’nt being very well paid i’d agree, kid… Set a standard 40k a year price tag on a TD - 50k for gov minister rising to 60k for Taoiseach - As you’ve established, we are only ever going to get monkeys, so why not just pay them peanuts.


Plus its a considerable increase on a teachers salary and they wouldn’t have to worry about the Croke park hour.

drain the swamp

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Swamp the drain

He’s coming under pressure all the same. Following on from the intervention of Mr Dirrane last night, I see another Waterford deputy, John Paul Phelan of Ferrybank is applying the pressure now.

Is Ferrybank not in Kilkenny?

War has broken out again and Waterford have all but won it.

Mick Martin gently stirring it as well - not going for Inda outright, but throwing out enough snippets to keep her lit. No doubt hoping SF/INDs go for FG and they pick up the pieces.

Apparently the reason Covney or Varadkar won’t pull the plug on Kenny is because neither wants to be seen as the one to force his hand. Kenny has a loyal group of supporters and any potential new leader would need their support to win a leadership contest.

You’d have to wonder how much longer Leo can hold his tongue for.

He who wields the knife never wears the crown or something like that.

There are enough fucking gobshite back benchers that can be sent out to put the knife into Kenny without damaging Covney or Varadkar.

The last heave against Enda he had Big Phil , Shatter & Reilly to bat for him . All he has now is a diminished Reilly . As with all heaves it will come down to a critical mass of backbenchers who fear for their seats .

Reilly’s not a TD, mate.

But he has Frances Fitzgerald. :grinning: