Ireland politics (Part 1)

She’ll probably claim she meant lawyer tomorrow and paddy will accept it, as will Miriam’s brother

Half the cunts in there are hanging for a pint by the looks of em

Kenny is some spoon. Whatever about being caught in a lie at least keep the apology story straight

His tales have caught up with him. The Fine Gael parliamentary party need to get rid of him quickly.

It really is incredible how FFG, particularly the FF wing of the party, want to keep other whistleblower cases out of the inquiry.

This corruption must NEVER be exposed!

Mick Wallace is tremendous addition to the Dail. Gave a great speech again today. They played a clip on Drivetime earlier of various speeches from Wallace, Ming and Doherty all relating to Garda whistleblowers and their treatment. The whole thing is absolutely rotten.


He always starts about a bit stuttery and trips over words but when he gets into a rhythm and full on rant mode he’s brilliant. Likes to play devils advocate and uses well thought out reasoning to deliver a kidney punch.

"In a statement released through their solicitors, Sgt Maurice McCabe and his wife posed a number of questions which they described as “factual”.

The questions are as follows:

Did a meeting sought by the HSE with gardaĂ­ in 2013 take place?
Who was the garda or gardaĂ­ who engaged in phone conversations with a HSE counsellor about the false rape allegation?
Who interviewed the alleged victim in respect of that allegation in May 2014 as claimed by her solicitor?
Was any of the foregoing Garda activity reported or recorded within the force?
Was any of the foregoing Garda activity notified formally or informally to senior gardaĂ­ at commissioner level, and, if not, why not?
Was any decision made not to inform Sgt McCabe of the making of the 2013 allegation, and, if so, why and by whom?"

Is there a need for a tribunal or commission to get these questions answered? Would GSOC not have grounds for a criminal investigation at this stage?

The whole thing will get messy with a tribunal . A criminal investigation is required . However is this feasible given who needs investigating and more pertinently what needs investigating . Some of our legal guys might shed light ??

The problem here is that we are looking at a culture of wrongdoing.

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Any tribunal will take too long and most likely find that all the guilty parties have long left the stage, fat pensions in their pockets.

Great news for the Law Library - another Tribunal.

Ching Ching .

Agreed 100%. Expose the rotten, scheming bastards once and for all. Kenny is a duplicitous devious fucker who’d throw his nearest and dearest under a bus to protect himself.
I’d welcome, as an interim measure, the removal of Fitzgerald and Comm.O’Sullivan from their posts with immediate effect. Zappone could be left in situ for a spell - she’s not up to speed with the quirky mechanics of Dáil politics (ability to lie brazenly) just yet.

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The independents aren’t in a position to vote confidence in Kenny.

Government not out of the woods yet

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Billy Kelliher got a very easy ride on Morning Ireland. He refused to express confidence in the Taoiseach or the Government yet it was let slide. The whole setup is a joke.
It will take the Independents to pull the plug.

Rumours emerging that Enda already has the Independents brought to heel this morning. He’ll get Paddys Day out of this yet.

Rumours in Laois is it?


Dept of Foreign Affairs.

There has been a massive overreaction to this.

Who wouldn’t smear the character of an absolute cunt of a colleague ?

A public enquiry ? Deary me.

Just let Enda get on with running the country and let NoirĂ­n lead An Garda Siochana.

You know the whole thing is a farce when Sinn FĂŠin are expressing sympathy and concern for a member of AGS.

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The Sinn Fein guy on Sean O’Rourke telling Timmy Dooley that Sinn Fein don’t stand for corruption. :slight_smile: