Ireland politics (Part 1)


Brian Hayes said on the radio that Enda needs to go soon, as he won’t be around for the next election, which is likely to be this year. He was asked when but said he won’t be drawn on a timeline but expects it to happen in the next six to eight weeks. :joy:

There was some fella on the radio recently suggesting that Enda wanted to surpass John A Costello as the longest serving FG Taoiseach, and that such records meant a lot to Enda. He’s circa 60 days shy of that at the minute. Which is smack bang on the 8ish weeks mark.

Estimated time of departure: 28th of April. May have to announce sooner though

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As I said this morning, Enda had the boys chains tugged early on. The kid stays in the picture.

Ball thrown in in the senior match

Watching the no confidence debate on Sky channel 574, FG predictibly blaming the whole crisis on Sinn Fein.

Simon Harris is a particularly odious cunt.

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Little rat should cast his mind further back & remember what his ilk did to former republican brothers.


Simon thinks Irish history began in 1994.


Joan Burton rambled on there for about 5 minutes talking complete shite and ended her speech by having a dig at Gerry Adams for going to America for private health treatment!!


He’s a weasel faced arse


21 years ago? Typical FFG, all they can do is sling mud from years gone by.

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Harris must would have been watching Bosco around the time I’d say.


Bruton now lecturing the House for being negative about the Government.

21 years ago? Typical FFG, all they can do is sling mud from years gone by when they are caught with their pants down.

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Hoping I’m not making you feel.old chief bit I reckon bosco was well back in his box in 94

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At least the RA just shot mccabe rather than systematically trying to destroy him physically, mentally and professionally like FFFGLAB tried to do to maurice


I’m sure that’s a comfort to jerry McCabe family at this time

An arse faced weasel?

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I’m sure they’re happy he’s lauded as a hero rather than smeared as a rat and a paedo