Ireland politics (Part 1)

Thats FF for you, all about them, always.

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Billy Kelliher was trying be virtuous about not bringing down the government this morning. “Everyone said we would bring the government down as soon as it suited us politically, but look we aren’t”

Aren’t they great lads altogether


The inquiry will be established, Kenny will choose the timing of his departure when he comes home from Washington, a new FG leader will be elected and we will have a late summer 2017 election.

The country is an International joke on this whole issue.

There’s more to this than waiting on better Polls & filling up the election coffers. The Gardai have FF nicely cornered somehow.

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As Brian Lenihan said to a guard one night when he was trying to clear a pub “Do you want a pint or a transfer?”

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Probably have dirt on them all that’s the only reason why o’sullivan hasn’t been removed yet. God knows how many of the fuckers she would take with her.

That is the really scary thing in the whole mess.

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That was Gerry Collins’ father Jimmy “Caney” Collins I’m almost certain, who was celebrating being elected as a TD. It happened in a pub in Abbeyfeale the story goes.

Sure according to Paul Williams’ pieces from April-May 2014 Micheál Martin was meant to be meeting the person who made the false allegations about McCabe.

Martin & Kenny are as thick as thieves on this the cunts.

That was Doherty

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Premier League managers

Looks like Enda’s trip to the US is dead in the water - The man is not capable of speaking in public and won’t want to face the barrage of questions about his corruption if he goes stateside

Fine Gael are a shambles.
They had the party Chairman on Morning Ireland, he gave Kenny his full backing and that he trusted him to go when the time was right etc.
20 minutes later, they had the vice chairman of the party, Deering, on. He said if Kenny doesn’t announce a departure date in the next few days there is going to be a motion of no confidence raised against him.

Fg= Limerick Hurling

Coffin surfer, :grinning:

Outstanding shot


He doesn’t have to answer any questions about it. There’s a tribunal going on now and he doesn’t want to be seen to be influencing it. That’s all he has to say.

Fact: It is a matter of far greater importance to far more Irish people whether Arsene Wenger stays or goes as Arsenal manager, and who may replace him, than whether Enda Kenny stays or goes, and who replaces him.

And rightly so.

Wenger is a beloved figure, widely respected throughout the association football community, which is most normal people. Calls amongst Arsenal supporters for him to go are made with a heavy heart. They are made with the noblest intent. Arsenal supporters are not merely satisfied with things being reasonably good. They want Arsenal to be better. They want Arsenal to be the best Arsenal can possibly be.

Wenger will remain a beloved figure with Arsenal supporters, whatever happens. But no one man, no matter how great he is, can be bigger than the club that binds them all together.

The Wenger saga is something that really connects with people. It resonates and touches people’s lives. It matters. People go to bed at night thinking about this. They cannot sleep. They agonise over it. It affects their quality of life.

And if and when the change comes, it will be real change.

If Diego Simeone takes over as Arsenal manager this summer, Arsenal supporters will believe things can be better. They will believe Simeone can make Arsenal great again.

They will go to work with a spring in their step, optimistic of better times, of going to Munich or Barcelona and winning, and not just winning a second leg of a last 16 tie 2-0 when they’re already 4-0 down from the first leg, but going to these places, or wherever the Champions League final may be held, and winning when it matters. They will be optimistic of going to Stamford Bridge and no longer meekly surrendering and losing 5-0, but winning.

They will be given new hope.

Nobody, apart from that small group of very strange people that call themselves Fine Gael members, and Stephen Collins, cares who leads Fine Gael. Nobody outside Fine Gael is kept awake at night thinking about who should lead Fine Gael. There is no prospect, no material reason why Leo Varadkar or Simon Coveney will be any better as leader of Fine Gael than Enda Kenny is.

If and when “change” in the leadership of Fine Gael comes, it will be “change” in the way replacing the bag in a vacuum cleaner, or replacing the batteries in a remote control, or buying a new set of tea towels, constitute “change”. It will be no change.

Nobody, not even members of Fine Gael, will have new hope because somebody else becomes leader of Fine Gael.

And that is why it is completely irrelevant.

You may accidentally find Declan Lynch fleshing this point out a bit more if you find him on your coffee table on Sunday morning.

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