Ireland politics (Part 1)

Who are the top 4 governments in the history of the state


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People taking their parents seat in politics? Itā€™s disgusting. Who had SF leader Michelle O Neills seat before her as a matter of interest?

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Her father P. Oā€™Neill.


No idea but I agree with you on the first point.

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Got it in one.

Should I do this in a Top of the Pops format?

Down one to number four, itā€™s Albert, Dick and the Sticks with their single ā€œ93/94ā€.

Up one to number three, itā€™s Charlieā€™s Angels with their late 80s smash ā€œMinorityā€.

Still at number two, its Lemassive Attackā€™s 1960s hit ā€œNo More Protection (ism)ā€.

But straight in at number one, itā€™s the one everybody claims to hate and nobody claims to buy, itā€™s Destinyā€™s Children with their double A side cover versions of ā€œMoney (thatā€™s what I want)ā€ and ā€œTiger Feetā€!

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Not as disgusting as what the Labour quisling did to this country though

Somewhat by the way at this stage, but the girlfriend was asking me what the whole story was with this controversy - ā€œDid he not get some 15 year old pregnant?ā€
Thatā€™s actually the story I was told, couldnā€™t remember the detail of it until she said it. Incidentally the girlfriendā€™s father is a retired guard, he also had it that McCabe had sexually harassed female guards up in Cavan. There was an amount of dirt being spread about McCabe, just to take that anecdote.
Kenny is saying nine months for the Tribunal to do itā€™s work now, and we wonā€™t hear the half of it.

Donā€™t take your bad week out on me blueshirt boy. Just pointing out that all the establishment parties have done this, FF FG lab and SF.

You didnt point that out. You had a pop at SF as you hate the left

Wrong I love the left, everyone should. I dislike SF. Society needs left wing firebrands not feet-under-the-table psuedo socialists who just crave power. Weā€™ve enough of them on the right.

I suppose itā€™s a lot easier for you, youā€™ve got one blueshirt you wear through thick and thin.

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That applies to every party in the state, mate. There is no left in Irish politics, never has been.

Most guards are thick as shit.

Noirin Oā€™Sullivan apparently asked what was the difference between digital rape and analogue rape when herself, Callinan and Pee were deciding what to smear McCabe with.

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Last night will make it harder for the big two to go into an coalition with SF after next GE (may ??). If they wanted to arrest SF growth the obvious thing is seek them as a suitor for coalition .


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Oā€™Callaghan using de Bert as a reason why Oā€™Sullivan should stay on during a tribunal investigation. An unrale comparison. Both had notions but their unfounded arrogance was their downfall. Both took credit for the little that was right but refused to accept any blame when everything went tits up. Both were guilty as hell but denied it until the last, both (will have) lied through their teeth while under oath.

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So sad