Ireland politics (Part 1)

I thought it was a fake account with a crude photoshop. It’s absolutely pathetic.

After the general election of 2011 FG and Labour
absolutely tore into FF and took great pleasure in telling us and them how they fucked the country up.
That got them at the most 12 months grace at which stage every time they mentioned it, they probably sent a few hundred voters back to FF.
FG have now started the same shit with SF and it’s going to have the same effect.
I am nofan of SF but Kenny pointing and pulling the trigger at them from the office last night was at best stupid and at worst electoral suicide.
Some of them should take a look back at last night’s events and hope to fuck there is no election called in the next few weeks

Politicians are ultimately self serving and once they see Kenny as a threat to their seats they will move to pull the trigger so to speak

As against that they won’t want a leadership battle while in Government so they need to orchestrate an orderly handover of power and that is tricky with two princes who would be King

Well one king and one queen


What’s even more staggering is that it’s very basic stuff to understand what effect it will have, but they still don’t get it.

It’s been tried numerous times before and never worked, and only been counterproductive for them.

Last night’s temper tantrums were were absolutely hilarious, and now they’ve made even bigger fools of themselves with this afternoon’s tweet. Sinn Fein couldn’t have asked for more.

The quality of advisors within Fine Gael, particularly as regards media strategy, is very, very poor. They made a total mess of their general election campaign as well.

But when one lives in a bubble, such cack handed incompetence is only to be expected.

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If Sinn Fein couldn’t have asked for more, why do RaStoolers and Sinn Fein lovers (like yourself) get your knickers in such a twist every time it’s done?

They are destroying democracy with this shit

We’re embarrassed for you, pal.

It’s never nice to see people making fools of themselves in public.

One only has to look at what Tiny Hands is doing right now.

Tough call as to whether the idiocy going on right now or that in the Dail last night is worse.

FG are so shit at judging the mood of the public. Have they any PR team at all?


You’re not embarrassed - you’re seething that SF’s murderous past keeps them anchored at 15% or so despite 10 years of near on perpetual crisis and mainstream party mishaps.

FF bankrupt the economy, FG have Kenny as Taoiseach for 6 years and Irish Water etc etc etc and still SF are just hurlers on the ditch. I’d imagine it’s frustrating alright.


This is the crux of it. Posters on here going on about how poor FGs PR machine is, and it is fairly poor. But SFs is worse. They can’t take advantage of the fall in mainstream parties support because they’re not willing to do what needs to be done to gain power ie. Remove Adams and come totally clean on some of the legacy issues. Adams refusal to admit his leading role in the IRA is their greatest obstacle with the wider general population. Its the reason why McGuinness is liked and Adams is disliked/distrusted. Even Ferris is liked by most people down in Munster because he’s fairly honest about most if not all of his involvement in things in the past. People have no problem in general with provos turned politicians but they don’t like being lied to


As a Sinn Fein supporter I agree with this post - I won’t get into the plight of Catholics growing up in the north when Gerry was a younger man etc. etc… But that time is done and it’s time the movement moved on.


The Gerry thing is weird. He’s absolute marmite. Fair enough older people hate him for his past andnot coming clean about it but his popularity with young people is pure box office. Teenagers love him. Most of them don’t even recognize Kenny. I’m in the middle somewhere. His command of detail in debates is very poor but his question time stuff is usually quite good. SF as a whole are as concerned with spin and an ultimate power game as FF or FG.

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Gerry Adams is a patriot and a true leader,tiocfaidh ar la.


Tell us all about Fine Gael’s murderous past and their association with fascism, mate?

Given that you brought up murderous pasts, like.

Yeates firing scuds left, right and centre here. And not giving a fuck


Prime time. Too late though he’s done

Katie Hannon after firing a scud at Harris.

This is gonna be great