Ireland politics (Part 1)

She’s pro phonocation though

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She was Creighton’s protege in my constituency back in the day as a Councillor but has been Varadkar’s running mate in Dublin West for the last few years. Showing some cleavage today and hoping Leo’s leadership bid will boost her own chances of being brought in with him the next time.

I fucking hate this country at times.

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A good chunk of money must have gone on Leo.

Shane Ross was on the radio there. He is a bumbling fool and for all their superiority complexes the people of South Dublin are no better for electing him than the people of Kerry are for electing the Healy Rae’s


Wrong. Healy-Rae is a a filthy slíbhín who only cares for his immediate area. If everyone voted like that we’d be like Afghanistan with feuding tribes. Ross is a bumbling half wit hot air merchant but at least he tries to see a bigger picture for the country.

In fairness to the Dubs they vote them out eventually. Healy Rae’s popularity will have soared after his latest ramblings about driving under the influence of food.

What’s the bigger picture for the country? His big idea for transport, the first initiative he will announce after more than a year in office is bus corridors for Dublin.


Like I said. He’s a bumbling half wit. And shit at his job. But his column in de sindo is full for years of what’s ’ right’ for the common good.

He does in his hole

Path-scal is supporting Leo, he announced on Morning Ireland. He’s giving a briefing / press conference in Leo Street in his constituency later on. Cringe.

This whole leadership race is a bit cringey. All of them with they are two great candidates and FG is so lucky to have so many great potential leaders in their ranks. Would they fuck off, if they were any good they would have run that half wit lying cunt from office ages ago.

Paschal this morning on newstalk saying Leo was the best politician of his generation. Fuck off Paschal with your shite talk. How these interviewers can sit there and let spout this shit with out laughing at them or at least calling them out on the bull shit is beyond me.


Shane Ross was asked who he is supporting in the fg leadership race. I’m a herler on the ditch says he.

I think the Healy Raes are concerned for drink drivers all over the country.


Catherine Noone has a lot more chance of Leo Varadkar bringing her into the Ard Comhairle in Croke Park for an All-Ireland final rather than into a Dail seat in an election.

He’s promised her free tickets, which is a big political issue for her.

Stands to reason that Michelle Mulherin is supporting him too for the same reason.

He’s bribed them with All-Ireland tickets.

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I believe Gardai are now setting up eating and driving checkpoints all over the country after the Healy-Rae interview. :slight_smile:

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Paul Kehoe and Charlie Flanagan pledge support to Leo.

Charlie compares Leo to Garrett Fitzgerald.

“There’s a little bit of Garrett in Leo and I say that with all due respect to Leo…”

Ooh! Hello sailor! :male_couplekiss:

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Flanagan supporting Leo is the kiss of death for Leo. Poor Charlie has been on the wrong side of each of the FG Leadership competitions. :slight_smile:

A Sindo "business journo " who cheered the banks for 2000 to 2007 . He reckoned Sean Fitzpatrick was the man to be Guv of the Central Bank and wanted AIB and BOI on steroids to catch Anglo .

The South Co folk reckoned he was the man to sort things out .

At this stage it looks like LV has the critical mass of support in the parliamentary party and they don’t want to be in bad books when goodies are being divvied out .