Ireland politics (Part 1)


What FG did, Tim, is take the easy route every single fucking time. The easy short term route to employment, a corporate tax haven.
They effectively have sucked whichever corporate cock was waved in their direction, and swallowed it all.
They have been very very lucky in inheriting an English speaking well educated workforce, with a population small enough to make a few hundred jobs here and there a very worthwhile trade off for screwing the rest of Europe.
They have done little to encourage indigenous industry. At some point, the mncā€™s will drift away. Weā€™d better hope it doesnā€™t happen quickly.
We donā€™t even have a train or dart to out capital airport.


It does look like poor Simon is getting obliterated at this stage. Is there any possibility of a come back for him? I havenā€™t heard who that cunt Regina Doherty is supporting, has she come out and said yet?

He told the nation to fill their boots with eircom shares


Another Fianna Fail shill

What would you know about it in fairness? You went off and took the Queens shilling. What has happened here in the last 5 years has been remarkable by any measure. Iā€™m not aware of any country that has gone from bankruptcy to stability as quickly as this country.

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How did we do it, pal?

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Anyone who fell for that ā€¦ Aul Joe Kennedy was a bit of a cunt but by certain accounts he had a point about shares .

Are we really that stable though or are we just a major policy decision from the US from recession?

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All fine and dandy but there is a bill .

A bill?

You know all that borrowed money.

I actually donā€™t know and I think we will ultimately have to wait for the State papers to be released in 30 years time to figure it out but I suspect the period of stable government we had from two eleven to two sixteen played a major part in it after the circus of the previous government. People forget very easily just how bad the previous government was, the Taoiseach turning up drunk on the radio, doing Philip Walton impersonations when the country was collapsing around him, the Minister for Finance on garlic pills to stay awake and .waking up David McWilliams in the middle of the night to ask him what to do. Noel Dempsey and Dermot Ahern lying about the IMF, Dermot Ahern making blasphemy an offence, Mary Coughlan being tanaiste. Paul Gogarty having s meltdown, the list was endless.


Why donā€™t you go fuck yourself you prick. Not that itā€™s any of your concern but I pay tax in Ireland, and actually contribute more to the economy than a bitter old cunt like you.
Fuck off.


Fuck off with your cribbing about the country from your Ivory tower over there in Didsbury. You havenā€™t a fucking clue about what happened on the ground here in the last decade or the sacrifices people had to make.

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Heard the clip form Conveney trying to defend his boring nature by saying the US voted for Trump because he wasnā€™t boring and how did that work out.

Fucking idiot. Heā€™s almost too perfect to be the FG leader so itā€™s a pity heā€™s getting destroyed already.

Fuck you. How the fuck would you know what I do or donā€™t know?
Why donā€™t you post some more of your hardship experiences in the countries finest restaurants or the premium level at croke Park, where youā€™ve experienced all that hardship? You fucking hypocrite.


Stage 4

Does that not show how poor FG have been? The same shower you accurately describe could be the biggest party if there was an election tomorrow. They ran us off a cliff but could be back in power in less than 10 years. FG and Labour had a massive opportunity to start afresh but just carried on what went on before. Jobs for the boys, party before society.