Ireland politics (Part 1)

Sounds like it’ll be worse than the Hutch/Kinahan feud.

Let us murder babies or we’ll kill you instead


I know RTE are required to give each side airtime but the fucking thought of 8 weeks next spring of David Quinn, Ronán Mullen, Bre(n)da O’Brien et al being all over the airwaves makes me queasy.

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This is it exactly. Also, anyone who calls her “savita” having never been aware of her existence is abit of a dick.


I’d say a large of that is that her forename is much easier to say rhan her surname. I don’t think most people are being dicks about this.

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Perhaps you haven’t read it yourself, or perhaps, knowing yourself, you read it and came to erroneous conclusions which fit with your worldview.

Savita was told “this is a Catholic country” when she asked why she couldn’t have an abortion. Are you denying this?

The following was listed a key causal factor in her death: Failure to offer all management options to a patient experiencing inevitable miscarriage of an early second trimester pregnancy where the risk to the mother increased with time from the time that membranes were ruptured.

“All management options” includes an abortion.

You can do all the mental gymnastics you want - the bottom line is it’s highly likely Savita wouldn’t have died if the eighth amendment didn’t exist.

[quote]During the health service investigation into the death, an unnamed doctor told investigators that even in a case of “inevitable miscarriage”, such as Mrs Halappanavar’s, Irish doctors had to put the welfare of the foetus before possible risks to the mother’s life.

Following this evidence, Dr Arulkumaran concluded that the consultant believed that her hands were tied by Ireland’s abortion law, leaving doctors helpless to save the mother if it meant aborting an unviable foetus.

“If it was my case I would have terminated the pregnancy,” he said. “The consultant clearly thought that the risk to the mother had not crossed the point where termination was allowable in Irish law.”[/quote]

Look what you’ve done @artfoley

Look what you’ve done @artfoley

Sure another self fart sniffingly smug post from him was inevitable

Its almost like you knew it would happen…

And as per the report here’s the key causal factors

Key Causal Factor 1:
Inadequate assessment and monitoring that would have enabled the clinical team to
recognise and respond to the signs that the patient’s condition was deteriorating due to
infection associated with a failure to devise and follow a plan of care for this patient that was
satisfactorily cognisant of the facts that:
→ the most likely cause of the patient’s inevitable miscarriage was infection and
→ the risk of infection and sepsis increased with time following admission and especially
following the spontaneous rupture of the patient’s membranes.
Key Causal Factor 2:
Failure to offer all management options to a patient experiencing inevitable miscarriage of an
early second trimester pregnancy where the risk to the mother increased with time from the
time that membranes were ruptured.
Key Causal Factor 3:
Non adherence to clinical guidelines related to the prompt and effective management of
sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock when it was diagnosed

People can make up their own minds

Exactly. Had an abortion been available, no death.

Care to say where that is in the report?

Had proper medical care been given, no death

Did it happen?

Yes or no?

Proper medical care in this case = an abortion.

The quote? Yes it did.

Was the quote a contributory factor in her death? No

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