Ireland politics (Part 1)


Seems reasonable but Iā€™d expect the lefties to go bald headed for it

Great news for the tfk slum landlords

Iā€™m just out buying bunk beds


I somehow doubt many of the houses in that picture are council houses.

Bit of a sickener for Billy. Malcolm Byrne wouldnā€™t exactly have a lot of name-recognition.

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I see FG have invited their sister party the DUP to their national conference in Wexford. :face_vomiting:

DUP are ā€˜surprise guestsā€™ at Fine Gael national conference

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No surprise there the fine gaelers are a disgrace - bled the country dry and once general election time comes around theyā€™ll be joining Labour in the doldrums for a long,long time- then we will have a bloody FF monopoly in power that eventually will fuck us up the ass - no answer really ,devil u know or all the other devilā€™s - SF would bankrupt us further, independents weak

Support for Sinn Fein has dropped alarmingly in latest Red C Poll. Maybe itā€™s just a regression to the mean but the Mary Lou factor has been a non factor. They would have been better off with Doherty at the wheel.

Poor kingmaking by the Army Council.

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Teaboy Harris is a goner especially if Leo the liar is dragged into this mess.

PWC report finds ā€˜series of weaknessesā€™ in planning and execution of National Childrenā€™s Hospital

Sport Ireland announce they are pulling funding from the FAI at the same time, just a coincidence Iā€™m sure that Leo chose this moment to release the report he got on Friday.

Some report too. Seems it could be summarised as; So the whole thing was an absolute shambles from start to finish, but thereā€™s fuck all we can do about it now so letā€™s get on with it. No names named either.

Harris will have to snivel off now and let the next sacrificial lamb into the chair, then they can say weā€™ll Iā€™ve only got the job but Iā€™m looking into reforms before theyā€™re replaced in two years and the cycle continues forever.

they are not a proper political party, they are only spoilers and hurlers on the ditch, a party of protest, they have no cohesive plan or policies, led by fairly thick individuals, that picture there recently of McDonald marching behind some childish banner on st paddies day, that kind of thing only appeals to the pondlife that votes for them

Itā€™s a disgrace what they did, and on Saint patties day of all days.

What has that got to do with the governments incompetence over the building of the childrens hospital?

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Not much Iā€™d say.

That wasnā€™t what was being discussed.
