Ireland politics (Part 1)

When it was initially reported the PWC Report wouldn’t be naming names, PR LEO came out and said they had changed the terms of reference to allow it to name names.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has now confirmed that, after talks with Health Minister Simon Harris, the review of the hospital overspend by consultants PwC will be changed.

“We’ve looked at the terms of reference, and they will be revised to enable PwC to find individuals accountable or identify individuals who made particular mistakes if that is what they find,” he said.

“After speaking with the minister for health, we’re making that revision to enable the investigation to find individuals responsible if they are able to do that.”

Sinner Bots, Sinner Bots, Sinner Bots

Oh wait…

The only thing surprising in that is the journalist thinking that Leo is up front.

And they leaked it again. :sweat_smile:


Based on the timestamp they waited a while before the message was received before they leaked it. Assuming message was sent yesterday evening.

Candidates for Euro Elections confirmed.
Reasonable chance we could return:
Mick Wallace
Clare Daly
Peter Casey

Those euro-crats won’t know what hit them

Mickah and Daly have obviously been chatting to Ming and fancy a go on the ultimate political gravy train!

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They Euro-crats will think they are brexiteers. :slight_smile:

They’ll think there isn’t a hairdresser or a barber in the country

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Mick will assuage those fears when he wears his Torino jersey on the first day


Unlikely to return Ming AND Casey in Midlands NW. The 4 seats will go to Flanagan, McGuinness, Carthy and Smith probably in that order. The retirement of Harkin is seen locally as beneficial to the main parties rather than maverick candidates.

Gemma, Ben Gilroy, Hermann Kelly, Tony Bosco Lowth and Eamonn Murphy all running in Dublin.

United in the " lost deposit " section. On the subject of section, the verb may be also considered .

Is this lad still trying to burn FG? Or is there an altruistic motive here??

Paddy Cosgrave behind campaign to expose ‘tax loopholes’

Paul O’Donoghue

April 16 2019, 12:01am, The Times

Paddy Gosgrave, 37, described his campaign as “cheeky and colourful”

Paddy Gosgrave, 37, described his campaign as “cheeky and colourful”PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES



Paddy Cosgrave, founder of the Web Summit technology conference, has emerged as the man behind a campaign to highlight claims that Ireland allows companies to avoid paying taxes.

The Irish Tax Agency website claims that Ireland has “helped companies avoid billions in taxes” and states it was set up to “inform European citizens” on new Irish tax structures.

The site says: “This non-governmental website was created by Paddy Cosgrave for educational purposes.” It continues: “The United Nations, in March 2019, highlighted in a special report new ‘preferential tax laws’ in Ireland which it concluded ‘cannot continue’.

“Most Europeans remain unaware of these new tax structures. Below you can learn about each of these structures, which have been researched in detail and published on Wikipedia.”

It then provides links to Wikipedia articles on three corporate structures: Section 110 companies, entities called L-QIAIFs and vehicles called ICAVs. These pay minimal or no tax.

Mr Cosgrave tweeted a link to a video that said a Facebook ad for the website had been seen by more than a million people. The ad said companies “have saved billions of euros” by relocating to Ireland from high-tax countries.

Mr Cosgrave said he would hold a press conference in Dublin tomorrow “for any Irish media interested in learning more about our campaign to raise awareness about Irish tax loopholes”.

Aisling Donohue, a tax specialist, said there had been issues in the past with companies avoiding tax on Irish assets using some of the structures highlighted on the website. However, she said many of the issues were addressed in 2016, when the rules around Section 110 companies were changed.

“Historically we were very wedded to tax competition, and probably a bit too far, but Ireland and international rules have changed. The issues around Irish assets were addressed in 2016 . . . and I think it was dealt with in good faith.” She said it was standard practice in many countries for funds not to pay tax, with this paid instead by investors. She said there may be an issue with some foreign companies using Section 110 entities to avoid tax elsewhere but said this was an international issue.

A spokesman for the Department of Finance said: “Ireland is fully committed in its support for an international tax framework that is in line with international best practice. This is demonstrated through our active participation in international fora, our agreement of new rules and recommendations at the EU and OECD, and through implementing changes.”

Ireland has consistently been accused of facilitating large-scale corporate tax avoidance. Last month a report that was accepted by the European parliament said Ireland was one of several EU areas that operated in some ways like a tax haven. Ireland has denied this, saying it does not meet the standards required to be considered one.

Isn’t he the prick that left Ireland because the state wouldn’t give him enough free money?

He seems happy enough to accept state aid when it suits him alright

That is a genuine cunt off

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Suppose he feels pissed off that they’re happy to give state aid to non Irish companies but not to his? Can understand why he’d be pissed off.