Ireland politics (Part 1)

Apparently the leafs on trees in summer can impede the satellite signals. According to some gombeen tech expert yesterday.

Seems like an incredible waste of money to my untrained eyes. Complete with a compromised procurement process, a whiff of corruption and going massively over original budget for an investment that may be obsolete by the time it’s rolled out. We should not stand for this as an electorate.

In addition, think of the highly negative impact on sites like TFK if you enable increased numbers of remote rural roasters with high-speed broadband.


I was listening to that too, pretty sure it was Denis Naughton said that about the well known fact as he put it that leaves on trees slows down internet speed into your fibre cables.

But the difference isn’t close to minimal. It’s gone from 2MB at the best of times to 10MB+ even in peak times, and you say their cost has risen a fiver a month for this changeover. I don’t know if you’re giving out about that or not?

I’ll make great commission selling the IPTV to the new members.


Sorry, I omitted the word price. The difference in speed is huge compared to the minimal change in cost

Broadband expert Fidelma Healy-Eames was on last night arguing vehemently that it has to be done no matter the cost. It was very re-assuring :persevere:


Do you mind me asking who the new company they got who are now doling out much higher speeds? Presume they were with Eir but Eir are normally good, but maybe not if very remote.

Some crowd based in Galway. I believe that the transformer (or whatever it is called) which they connect to is located somewhere along the head race canal and is fairly close to the house so no issues with connectivity.

Might be different if you are on the side of a mountain.

The problem with satellite is latency, shite for VOIP and streaming video. The download capacity is usually capped very low too.

The dial up connection is the only thing slowing @myboyblue down

Unless you have a clear line of sight to the transmitter you’re fucked.

Satellite connection is to a satellite, you’re referring to wireless.

Niall Quinn’s company was satellite internet was it not, sending it down your chimney essentially? But it went bust

I do some work on this area.

Satellite bb is well obsolete.

Wireless broadband works from a transmitter sitting on top of a 1gb fibre supply from the likes of eir or enet on wholesale.
The operator then adds further units at high points to retansmit the signal. There are quite a number of local operators in this game across munster.

The typical speed available is up to 10mb such as described above. Pricing is similar to an eir package.

These lads don’t want any rollout of rural broadband. It is a very profitable business if you can saturate sales in a small area and then control the dd’s properly

Google are deploying broadband balloons to the likes of Kenya, surely this would have done the job for the likes of the animals below in Klare?



His system was shite.

Wouldn’t the balloon be below in Wexford after a half an hour? Tis fine and well for the Kenyans with no gale whipping in over the cliffs at them

So is that why Eir and the Vodafone/ESB bids were dropped?