Ireland politics (Part 1)

They pulled out because the government sold off the profitable part of the package mid bid and left only the complete shite.

The guy from imagine was on the radio the other day (I know heā€™s biased) and he reckoned the broadband rollout should be only concerned with getting fibre connections to all main boxes in towns and villages and let wireless look after it from there. He felt the idea of rolling out fibre to every home was absolute insanity.

Johnny and Mary living 2 miles down a passage in the arsehole of Donegal or West Cork or whatever canā€™t expect a fibre cable to be laid to their door. Or anywhere near them for that matter.

It does not seem logical to put fibre down to every home alright. Fair enough spending a bit extra in the short term on other solutions. Long term we shouldnā€™t be planning like that.

Supposedly the last 100k houses are a massively disproportionate amount of the cost. As in if you just said look thereā€™s a 100k houses that we just canā€™t offer fibre broadband to we could save a billion euro

That is basically it

The Imagine contributor might be conflicted but he is right.

If ye tied a rope around the dolmen twould never shtir.



The pole of the hayshed would suffice if you hadnā€™t an oulā€™ dolmen handy.
I like your thinking - Peter Casey ought to be informed as thereā€™s 100k votes in the idea.

Fuck fibre and all that jargon, a balloon and a rope and weā€™re jakeyā€¦

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So if you were in rural Limerick and not on a main road who would you recommend and would you expect to get 10MB anywhere in Limerick? Are that Munster Broadband crowd still operating? I was with them years ago but theyā€™d lose connection with you for two days as soon as windy weather hit. Theyā€™re probably better now but Iā€™m with Eir and very happy with them. I have fibre optics going up the road outside the house though.

If you have 10mb or similar service from eir then stay with them. Do ring up and threaten to leave for a better service and see if you can get some loyalty reward or a cut in price

If broadband is successfully rolled out to rural Ireland, the servers in the DoneDeal cloud will explode with all the roasters trying to access HD pics of Limousin heifers and Ifor Williams trailers.


Co-ops be fucked in short order with lads ordering fertiliser from China via Ali express.
DPD run off their feet delivering pallets of 10.10.20.

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You lost me there :joy:

You could sellotape it to the new sports dome above in mayo. That way all wonā€™t be lost when it heads over the rainbow.

As Iā€™ve posted before, there has been a marked decline in interest in the GGA since broadband expanded across the State. This could finish it once and for all. :grinning:

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Murphy is looking more an idiot every day.

It seems like some deal for the consortium. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:
Not to mention whatā€™ll cost us in lawyers fees for the inevitable tribunal

I wonder if there are any folks who donate to FG in this consortium?


Iā€™m shocked.

Fair play Mouse. I thought you spoke very well there for a lunatic.

Also, thereā€™s only one ā€˜dā€™ in Madddness thoughā€¦