Ireland politics (Part 1)

Iā€™ll start with refereeing ladies football, and go from there.

In truth, we are mostly just living the life that chose us. What can you do only rear the kids as best you can, and plough on, albeit with increasing exasperation.

You need a few bairns running around the place. Thatā€™ll help give your life a focus.

That would only make it worse - ā€“ thinking of the absolute shit of a world we are leaving them in.

Theyā€™ll be grand, itā€™ll toughen them up a wee bit.

Every little helpsā€¦

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the teddy winning the employee of the month is more credible than this carefully stage managed shite


Might have got on better had they sent out some lad in a village people outfit with ymca blasting in the background

glas was busy?

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Inspire festā€¦

Funnily enough, you donā€™t need particularly high speed internet to download reams of text. You will need it to play violent vidyooo games online, to stream videos of chaps sawing other chapsā€™ heads off, and to access HD snuff-porn.

For the good of the children of Ireland we should roll-back broadband altogether.

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The great Hugh McIlvanney after mugging off some young lad on Prime Time there


He mugged himself off you Tool.

One of 6 running for 5 seats :neutral_face:
What an absolute scumbag he is

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The fucking guff of him, the weasel.

That made me laugh alright. Presume heā€™s a Lowry type figure that would get in handy either way anyway

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Maria Walsh not up to intermediate hurling at all. Watching the pat kenny debate here she is way out of her depth

The poor girl was offended by everything pat said

Charlie Flanagan going all Donald Trump.