Ireland politics (Part 1)

Slash hooks and such low-level violence?

"A European human rights organisation has raised serious concerns about housing provision for Travellers, refugees and what it calls other vulnerable minorities in Ireland.

[The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance has also called on the Government to tackle n undercurrent of low-level racist violence"

Racism against settled ppl

Couldn’t find a thread on it anywhere so I suppose this is the place but ended up in Dublin during the week and came home today. It seems the A-Z community have seen how successful tinkers have been when they got themselves declared a minority that they have turned ‘pride’ into a big business with the core principle being that gay people are marginalised etc
 Withering shower of cunts altogether.

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Couldn’t find a thread for what?

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Hard to believe this miserable old cunt couldn’t find an appropriate thread to peddle his miserable old cunt hatred on TFK, he must be dumber than he is miserable


Great to see a march for life today in Dublin, in total contrast to the crap that went on there last weekend.

Indeed, well done to the transgender folk

Tremendous to see

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Pearse Doherty at his best here.


That’s great stuff from Pearse
 Of course FFG are well aware of these issues but do you think they’d call them out? Not a hope
just like the conservative crew on here, you wont hear a peep from them on such issues.


Pearse is one of the best politicians in this country

Indeed. I wonder what their DNA would tell you if you were to take a sample?

Maria Bailey has really fucked Leo over with this insurance claim. If he doesn’t release the report he will be accused of hiding something, if he releases it he may have to fuck Bailey under a bus and if Madigan was involved she will be fucked under as well.

Fine Gael swing fall probe finds Maria Bailey’s claim overstated impact of injuries

The report wont be released. It was a prerequisite for some of the statements given by witnesses. My best guess is that Bailey wont be allowed run under the FG umbrella in the next election. Depends how he handles it. Bailey looks like shes ready to swing for someone and could go after Madigan yet. Now that would create a right headache for Leo

Pearse would have gotten a “well clamped” rating for that in the olden days. You’d expect the CEO’s of these multinationals to be a bit more articulate than that, a load of stuttering fucks going by that clip.


bailey, as evidenced by her appearance on sean orourke, is a live grenade with a dodgy fuse. now the finding of the report has been leaked all bets are off.

leo the simpleton thought he was pulling a masterstroke by hiding things in the unreleased report but now the glare is on him as to why he didnt include the publication of the report in the Terms of reference and also his judgement in not dealing with bailey quickly and decisively.

id say another week of drip drip will be coming on this and dont be surprised if bailey goes off taking josepha and leo with her.

Fair play to Pearce for getting stuck in. Insurance industry happy to make broad claims but get very opaque when it comes to actual figures


That’s what happens when you let the Muldoons run the industry.

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Lot of cap doffers are happy to get fleeced by insurance companies. There’s quite a few of them on TFK.

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Do you expect them to come clean?