Ireland politics (Part 1)

Apple are paying their tax where it should be paid, the US.

The Irish tax payer will never get that VAT he stole back, and now is funding these kinds of strokes.

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Sweeep sweeeep

Is that a quote from Stalin?

Incorrect, Apple have lodged 14bn of unpaid taxes.

Mike is the kind of simpleton that allows corruption to happen.

didnt know he was a gaeler

You’ve been supporting a politician who engages in far worse nepotism for years.

So if anybody on this forum has a high tolerance for nepotism, it’s yourself, bud.

Don’t be too shy to tag me Tim.

Policy Formulation us very important work

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That’s what the German government are for .

Its well known around town that young wallace wouldnt work to warm himself, a lazy lump of a young fella living off of handouts

You’d need a lot more than 8k a month to tackle that hag

the TFK misogyny crew out in force

You’re fucking kidding me. You’re honestly surprised /disappointed??? :eyes:

When I see people like Catherine Noone, Neale Richmond and Leo Varakar on TV, it reiterates my belief that Fine Gael are going to lose really badly in the next General Election.

Jaysus - Is this what these lads went to journalism school for?

It’s hardly watergate.


This could bring the government down (if a FG deputy), as the Chinese say “May you live in interesting times”