Ireland politics (Part 1)

Fair play to the EU for the anti nepotism rules. We should bring them in here too.

I would like to wish Fionn all the best in his new role.


If anyone was mug enough to believe that.

maybe Fionn is banging Clare aswell?

The cap doffers are going nuts over this 8k role for Fionn.

8k before taxes but crucially before expenses

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Mike doesnā€™t mind tax evasion and nepotism- so long as you look a bit rough in Parliament. :metal:


Nepotism isnā€™t allowed in the EU Tim. They have proper rules and regulations there thankfully.

Please point out where I have condoned nepotism or tax evasion.

8 k a month. Try reading the article

It would have been a setback to Irelandā€™s interests to lose Fionn Wallace from the body politik. This is a practical solution to ensure a man of his capabilities can continue to contribute handsomely with MEPs Daly and Wallace. I support him in his new role.


You support Mick Wallace, tax evader.

You support strokes like this.

If someone from the traditional three largest parties did the latter, let alone the former, youā€™d go ape. Torino though. :crazy_face:

Principle of this is no different to what apple does. Just the quantum is different

Thank God for that, Iā€™m relieved poor Fionn isnā€™t being taken advantage of. Uncovering establishment corruption should be rewarded not penalised and as a son of Mick Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be quite successful. Weā€™re lucky to have them representing us.

This will be great experience for Fionn before he has to come home and run in the upcoming bye election in Wexford.

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@mikehunt shown up badly here. Maybe the Apple money can be used to reimburse the taxpayer

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Is Joseph Barry Wallace involved in the background team at all?

So you (i) didnt read the article (ii) support this dodgy activity (iii) waded in with both feet (iv) pivoted shamelessly from previous positions

You look like an ideal FF election candidate

No idea. @Mac might be able to confirm.

so youre saying that you cant say for sure if daly looks more like a woman or a pig?

  1. It was a screenshot.
  2. I have no problem with succession planning.
  3. What are you on about?