Ireland politics (Part 1)

I guess the environment and climate change is the new band wagon to jump on for the likes of Murphy. :slight_smile:

the Irish left are great for the aul split

Yeats giving Murphy a grilling now. Asking him since when has he been like this?

Patrick Oā€™Donovan is like a swarm of midges in the bog of a hot day - heā€™s everywhere.

Heā€™s the Summer face of the Gubbermint, popping up on every radio and TV outlet waffling along in his dreary monosyllabic tone and assuring us everything is in hand. Heā€™s got his eye on a Ministerial role if theyā€™re ever in power again.

Tell me this wonā€™t happenā€¦Please

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Pearse Doherty on with a SF budget. The FG lad will fillet him. Burke is a sharp lad.

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How did the SF budget go down? Pearse is well able to fight his corner.

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Well, it went, erm, down. Pearce outlined a person-friendly suite of measures that even turkeys would cherish. The funding for this largesse was somewhat more opaque.

FG economic guru Peter Burke gravitated to the source of the funds only for Pearce to get a 2nd wind and sprint away with another soliloquy. Burke shrugged and gave up.
Yatesy then blew the full time whistle and they all reconvened in the green room.

The most interesting part of last nightā€™s show was the barely masked scorn the panel had for the DUP representative Jim Wells MLA. Jim is a lascivious bigoted cunt actually.


Hasnā€™t Jim been removed from the Party?

Was always going to happen i guess. Each party thinking they know best. Its all just a game to them.

The wee caption popped up saying Jim Wells DUP MLA as far as I can recall.
It hardly matters in the grand scheme of things. Jim was, is and will be a bigot.

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Nothing new there then for a DUP or ex DUP member.

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Scum Feinā€™s budget proposals, let me guess, free money, free houses and free everything for everyone funded by something they canā€™t tell us right now


Isnā€™t that how Fianna Fail brought the country to its knees? Only for they were blowing it on junkets and piss ups at the Galway races.

Fianna Fail led by vision of Charlie Haughey laid the sound economic foundations of the Celtic Tiger

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Fianna FƔil giveth and Finna Fail taketh away

Hockey, as he was referred to over on the mainland, led the country to a recession in the 80s before his successors did the same in the 00s.

As odious as FG are, at least they seem to have a better grasp on the economy. Thick roasters will now vote enmasse for FF to lead the free state into another recession in the 2040s and the blueshirts will have to pick up the pieces then.


Economies go in cycles, boom, bust that is the nature of it. Fianna Fail are the real Republican party, the party of a real Irishman, thatā€™s why I always vote for them, they represent what it means to be Irish, that bit of cuteness. Loveable rogues

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Fianna Fail are partisionist, spineless and corrupt. Thatā€™s the mandate they are voted in on.

Fianna Fail men ran the British out of Ireland

FF sold the Irish out to Britain. Hockey was the equivalent to an Irish navvy working over, slaving for the Brits then spending all his money buying them drink and then laughed by their arses off at the thick Mick bastard.