Ireland politics (Part 1)

‘‘Twas ever thus

FF wouldn’t run a bath.

Save it until the storm kicks in lads. Ye’ll be burnt out

FF is not a political party. It’s a collection of 158 franchises…

Like Supermac’s ??

The “war on civility” is a concept to shut down debate which is borrowed from far right US politics

It’s never waged against actual dangerous hateful rhetoric though, only against legitimate anger


He’s come into his own recently. A real statesman.

A blessed relief that Leo is representing us on the European stage during Brexit.
Imagine what the EU would make of yer man Micheal Martin strolling along to key meetings

The next Irish general election will be like 2007 , a good one to lose .

FG better hope Brexit rumbles on for years so they never have to do any real work.

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That’s a far right troll account, mate

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Were you not boasting about quaffing beer in your Spanish villa retreat a few months ago, pal?

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a proper republican.

no… I was pregnant a few months ago.

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Cool. Must’ve been last year.

You could do the same if you applied yourself @Horsebox

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Keep swinging. Fuck head…

He’s a nasty drunk… Dont encourage him.


Yeah I get context though. Do you think that everybody should eat their dinners from cardboard in O’Connell Street to show their support for that poor unfortunate kid? I’ll meet you outside the GPO tomorrow evening to show our solidarity if you’re up for it.