Ireland politics (Part 1)

Unless you happen to be sick, poor Homeless or a woman who got cervical cancer unnecessarily.


13 per cent for Independents. A nation of navel gazers.

Never fear, Fianna Fáil have a plan…

Would labour ever get rid of howlin and fucking shake themselves for fuck sake, the country is crying out for a proper labour party.

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No ones perfect

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Its paywalled, so they want people who have 30 years put in to get an allowance, what to stay another ten?

It’s just a Sean Haughey proposal. Going after the older constituency.

Absolutely. Confidence and supply agreement ffs that translates as work away while we collect our bloated cheques while giving no opposition. We are essentially a one party state and while i dont think this FG are as inherently corrupt as older FF or themselves the ethos of the party and certainly the leader; trust the markets, will not bring about any real change on healthcare and housing


Did that constituency every desert them?

Healthcare and housing are probably the two most state influenced ones going.

But not enough is my argument

What are your proposals?


On housing, more government house building, the land is there, i know the builders aren’t but incentivise them back, offer them cut price housing to live in etc. Offer cheaper housing to public sector workers and others with the government giving out mortgages essentially. Build apartments to ease the pressure. Tax land so central units wont be left abandoned and unused.

On health, it needs to be completely prioritized, thats where funding is needed not bypasses of castlebar or other non crucial infrastructure projects. Agree a tax scheme with mutinationals thats reasonable and divert those funds. Cap consultants and other salaries, centralise healthcare no need for mutiple admin bodies.

Practically disband the army, keep a small core of officers and rangers to fulfill international duties. Thats my personal pet hate though but a massive money pit.

If you think they are outlandish fair enough but its sunday evening and i want to watch some nfl not get into a huge back and forth.

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The problem is that FG look the most competent of all the parties and thats with the likes of harris, murphy, humphries, Bailey and a few others in it.

FF are jsut fucking useless, maybe that baldy lad that defected from social democrats might be ok but the rest including martin are useless.

Labour destroyed themselves for a very long time after their carry on in the previous government.

No one would trust SF with a piggy bank.

You can forget about the rest.

“Build more housing”

Who? What? Where? Apartments are expensive to build, whether public or privately built. The mass building of the 1980s was facilitated by lobbing up inefficient housing estates and cheaper costs. The State setting up another entity to construct would be another long term disaster.

Taxing vacant land is something I agree with. The fact is though when we go back to your comment, that the Government are letting the market at it, is untrue. The State intervened at every single juncture.

We spend more than enough on health. Again the State is all over it.

“Prioritizing” ongoing operational spending vs capital spending is a dumb idea. It’s what we did for decades and then during “austerity”, it leads to longer term problems. You might not agree with building that road, but capital spending is capital spending.

Why do people go on about defense spending as if it is irrelevant? Ireland gets away with it for what reason exactly?

Is there not still plenty of land in nama/ntma or whatever. Thats the primary necessity boxed off. Who builds it? The workers incentivized back. Where? Where they have it but with plenty of height in centralised areas.

Capital spending should be building hospitals and smaller clinics so, not unnecessary roads.more machinery, more specialized wards etc can be considered capital spending.

Im not sure the point you are trying to make to me here

We’ll disagree on this one Harry. There is nobody at the cabinet with any dynamics.

Housing is fucked. Banks are still fucked. Retail is fucked.

Housing is one thing they need to deal with immediately. Be it tax incentives for developers, part loans for buyers. 100% mortgages in certain situations. They need to deal with it. Fuck the market, it can’t rectify itself.

I can see the Kaiser or someone making a play for Cairn or Glenveagh next year. They’ve serious amount of land yet their share price doesn’t reflect it and it’s going one way.

Houses aren’t selling in the biggest housing catastrophe ever so Developers aren’t building second phases…they can’t afford to build apartments to sell so it’s sll build to rent,!It’s a fucking mess.

IRES and the likes aren’t even leaving the rental money in their account for one night. It’s whipped away quick smart and the other vultures are playing fuck all tax.

We actually need a Government at the moment. We need leaders, we need strong determined heads. Instead we have inexperienced politicians out of their depth, Eoghan Murphy, Simon Harris, rabbits in the head lights. They haven’t a fucking clue, they never did a days work in their lives.

The country is fucked.


That’s already been done. The treatment of the defence forces has been a disgrace, some people still not satisfied

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Incentivized how? By paying CIF rates? By hiring a rake of employees on full time with those T&Cs and associated pensions?

NAMA are releasing lots of land already, there are EU rules regarding this though that limits our manouvers.

What hospitals are you talking about? You need to flesh that out a bit. Realistically after the NCH and new NMH are built the infrastructure is quite good after a few decades of spending. The problem is at an operational level. You can buy as many machines as you want, but when they are sitting idle for hours because of 9-5 work practices, not much will change.

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