Ireland politics (Part 1)

FG are a joke 
 a laughing stock.

A new low

I think that’s the whole point of being out to pasture as an MEP mate

Sean Kelly has all our best interests at heart

Should Leo go to the country? . FF struggling , shiners in bother .

Seems a great time for Leo to pull the trigger on an election now, but elections this close to Christmas are rare aren’t they?

Yes . January is generally a month for real bad news .

Leo will hang on until the last moment. No way will he put his neck on the line until he has too

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Dangerous tactics
 The longer they come out from behind Brexit the more they will expose their ineptness.

Leo needs to keep a level head and keep running the tight Ship until Brexit is sorted.

Keep up the good work Leo.

He won’t budge until there’s some kind of resolution to Brexit.

Of course — he can hardly stand for an election based on national issues.

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He will go the minute that brexit is agreed. He can’t have any sort of delay between brexit and calling an election that would allow a lot of the domestic issues that have been buried by brexit bubble up to the surface.

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This current government has done a serious job tbf. In choppy waters of unrest with our neighbours Leo has still run the Country well and quietened FF.

All the while SF have played top class Hide & Seek politics and become an even bigger irrelevance.

Hail Leo.

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He can do whatever he wants. Theres no real alternative to the blueshirts. FF have had a decade to clean house and develop but they have doubled down instead


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It’s very sad really that the best we have are FG with no alternatives — no wonder they dont give a fuck about ordinary people in this country - why should they?

The question for FG is not whether they win the election its how many seats they could lose in that election. FG have been good on brexit but have been shite on domestic issues. The childrens hospital, the cervical check, homeless/housing issues and national broadband have been disasters for them.

Thr things that save them are that FF are fucking useless, there is barely anyone including Martin you would trust with a ministry and SF will never be trusted. The rest of parties are as bad.


FF are dead only to wash them