Ireland politics (Part 1)

FG threw her to the wolves apparently. Itā€™s very odd. Almost as if they didnā€™t want the seat for fear of splitting Paul Kehoes and Michael Darcys vote next time around.

They thought she was forthright, straight talking, formidable, self made (went back and did her LC and got a degree as an adult, set up her own business etc etc), displaying all that get up and go and enterprise that FG are all about, and that it would resonate with the voters.

A cursory look at her many appearances on Vinny Browne / Tonight Show showed her to be ignorant and thick as shit with a misplaced self confidence and arrogance.


A trucker was never going to cut it with the FG electorate.

Itā€™s good news for Kehoe. He has been under serious pressure for a while now and Verona was very much been built up to take over from him.

2 FF, 2 FG 1 Lab is pretty much the natural order in Wexford. Mind you itā€™s now weighted District wise, 2 Enniscorthy, 2 Gorey, 1 Wexford:

It mustnā€™t be hard to get a law degree in this country.

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Big result for the Ivory Coast tonight


Iā€™ve been in a room with her before at a meeting. Sheā€™s thick as bottled pigshit and one of the most ignorant people Iā€™ve ever met.

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They rightly abandoned her after the controversy but putting her forward in the first place was madness.

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Fairly damning considering youā€™re from tipp :smiley:


You a trucker?

I agree with her on abolishing the rsa. Sheā€™s the only candidate Iā€™ve ever heard say it. A quango that costs millions and gives highly paid jobs to the likes of Russell Murphyā€™s most famous client and Liz O Donnell. All so they can tell us wear a selt belt, donā€™t drink and watch your speed ffs. Itā€™s some country

She is stage five rattled

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Iā€™m a researcher for the VB show.


You vile gombeen


Great interview.

He looks totally different

Heā€™s still sharp though. Very informative interview in fairness especially since the host wouldnt be typically interviewing political figures previously or anyone else for that matter.

Hes sharp alright. Heā€™s also one of the greatest cnuts in the country.

Paddy Holohan?

Lorraine Clifford Lee really threw it away in Fingal. Verona has taken the spotlight off her somewhat. Wonder will Champ de-select her.