Ireland politics (Part 1)

Resulting in shitholes like Moyross and Southhill.

A house is no good to you if there are no jobs.

Well yes, that’s the obvious criticism - the will was there but fuck all proper planning. That doesnt detract from the over all point…

What is your overall point?


How many people emigrated from Ireland in the 50s - 70s.

Treat people humanely and roll out initiatives to help them succeed - as in, own a home or rent at a relatively decent price that’s within their means. No one is looking for a magic wand or a revolution - the crisis isnt easily fixed but more can be done to alleviate the current situation … show people you’re actively trying at the very least.

How many emigrated over the last ten years?

Very few compared to the 1980s let alone the 1950s.
I’m pretty sure Ireland has had more immigration than emigration over the past decade.

there’s a million Irish over in Australia. Another half a million in the UK.

Anyway, what’s his point?

Home prices and rents outside the major cities are not high though and there seems to be a reasonable supply. Agree Dublin and Cork particularly are very high but that’s not easily solved no more than here.

You’re looking at the 1950s and 60s through rose coloured glasses.

We enjoy a standard of living people then could not dream of.


Nah they’ve gone bananas in most places…

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There’s 33 million Irish in the US, or at least people who think they are Irish.

I’m not, they were awful times socially… But the political will was there to provide homes… The current government just need to provide a 21st century solution.

All Americans are Irish and all Irish are American.

Socially and economically and the 1980s were pretty bad as well. The great majority of young people in Ireland are absolutely flying it compared to back then.

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Even your tribe?

Fuck off

Why don’t you go Fuck yourself, you prick.

What about everybody who wants a house gets one, pays a rent and has access to services but no drug or alcohol use or they are out.

The Finland approach.

Would that work in Ireland.

Where’s my free house