Ireland politics (Part 1)

It’s a bit mad that we’ve been bullied into sending a woman and a patsy by the EU. They should be staying the fuck out of who we nominate.


Well if it’s a popularity contest you’re after dont forget it was Leo himself was the the one who stuck the dagger into Hogan. A case of hubris for our little general perhaps thinking he could dictate whats what in Bruxelles? We could actually be getting somewhere here…

I didn’t read the interview with Coveney in the Sindo today but according to @Special_Olympiakos, it would appear that Brussels are not going to be dictated to that Ireland holds onto the Trade portfolio.

I see

Simon Coveney rang Taoiseach Micheál Martin early on Friday and told him: “Look, I’m not gonna put my name forward”. The Foreign Affairs Minister’s view on taking the vacant European Union commissioner post had crystallised in the preceding 24 hours. He veered away from the idea when it became clear Ireland was not going to retain the Trade portfolio vacated by Phil Hogan.

Such ambition from Dublin was viewed as delusional in Brussels. As one ally of Mr Coveney later put it: “The reason for the delay was trying to cobble together any way to save Trade - and that looks like a complete failure”.

‘Such ambition from Dublin was viewed as delusional in Brussels’

That’s the Mick we all love

Well played Frau Ursula.

Says the labour lad who’s party have been bit part players of any government who’ll have them and have been bullied every time.

It’s why I recognise bullying so well.

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What are you on about? She simply asked for two nominations. It’s not an unreasonable request. We’ve been bullied after our stupid and needless fuck up causing the loss of a powerful commissioner and causing the head of the commission to have to undertake a reshuffle? All because we’re applying stupid rules that the rest of the EU don’t apply and we can’t even abide by them. We’re a laughing stock. And anyway, the government would be only delighted to send an MEP. They’re running out of sub ministers and don’t want to face a by-election.


Typical civil servant, bowing down, sniveling and groveling.

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She shouldn’t be making any requests. It’s our business who we send. They then have to pass through the process I believe. She decided it was a nice opportunity to even up her gender balance. We’ll now have a commissioner who is a career politician with nothing to be said for her except that she is for refugees dying at sea so the EU doesn’t have to process them. And that she has a vagina.
If we wanted something more benign we could have sent Sean Kelly and hed do 5 years taking pictures of his lunch for Twitter.
I’m still glad that big Phil is gone though. Take that you cunt.


Why shouldn’t she? She asked for two nominations of every country when appointing the commission last time and she has maintained consistency in her approach and asked the same of us in nominating a replacement. Seems fair.

Quick note for you, it’s an FG guy being replaced and so the replacement was going to be FG. They vote along party lines so they’re all going to vote for refugees dying at sea (hardly surprising for FG really).

Which of our commissioners have not been “career politicians”? Who would you have picked? Michael O’Leary?

To be honest, your issue smacks of exceptionalism and seems a bit off the wall and unsupported by any reasons at all. It’s the kind of thing that one of our right wing loons would tend to come out with.

David Byrne

The basic tenet here is that it’s a subtle shift from us picking our representative to them picking our representative. That’s my problem. That’s not massively difficult to understand.
David Byrne wasnt a career politician. He was a barrister, given it by Bertie as a thank you for services rendered.
I’d have put Declan Kelleher forward. A lad with lots of previous in international negotiations and at European level. Is there anything that barrs selecting an ambassador? I know many people distrust civil servants but I reckon at least one or two could be capable? .
Not sure why youd mention Michael O Leary other than that shouting that people who disagree with are ‘right wing’ seems to be the basis of a lot of your arguments.

Ah here, steady on mate.
They’re all glorified ferrero rocher servers.

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In fairness, the Irish Embassy always put on a lovely lamb stew when I lived that life.

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And eaters.

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No I don’t think there’s anything that bars anyone in particular, other than whether they actually might want to be put forward for it, that’s a big factor. And politics.

On your main point, it really isn’t. It is the same for every country. It’s not legally binding so we are not compelled, it’s just a request, but there is no reason not to go along with it. I genuinely don’t get what your problem with it is. You’re having a hissy fit because the exact same request has been made of us as has been made of everyone else. It’s odd.

You’re a great man for jumping up and down about supposed discrimination but you have no problem with casual swipes across groups of people who share similar backgrounds.