Ireland politics (Part 1)

Weird. I said they should stay out of our selection process. You said that we made a stupid unnecessary fuck up (twice) and that we’re now a laughing stock. But I’mthe one apparently having a hissy fit. You are very abusive towards and dismissive of anyone who doesn’t hold your views. It’s a good thing the likes of you never has to represent Ireland abroad.

What was the fuck up btw? Leo and Michael deciding they wanted Hogan’s head? Or Hogan himself?

Anyone know why @Juhniallio is so triggered here?

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Also, I don’t think she should be making that request of anyone. The fact that she has made it before is immaterial and a bizarre point to argue. It’s a big overreach of powers. In this case it led to her shafting Ireland to teach us a lesson cos we didnt do what she wanted. She can point to the council’s gender equality policy but the likes of Poland and Hungary are serious breachers of EU policy but she hasn’t the courage to take them on.

I don’t think requesting a woman is an outrageous request, 50% of our politicians should be women, we should have lots of good female candidates.

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I certainly have no idea. I’ve noticed similiar in a few other lads too whatever it is

Good for you. So do I. I also think making demands of any country as to how they select their commissioner is overstepping their boundaries. We select our commissioner, not them. Simples. 2 separate issues. You’ve agitators like Glas and @bikeyMcSwamp trying to make it personal.

It’s a request that she has no right to make.its up to Ireland to put forward their choice of commissioner regardless of their sex.

She would have been better off insisting that in future we send someone who is competent rather than a failed or toxic politician

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That’s only DFAD. the rest of us are toasties

Harsh on @Lazarus and @bikeymcswamp whoever that is

Hang on

:thinking: :open_mouth:


Both were fuck ups. Basically Ireland fucked up and the commissioner had to resign.

You do get that the same request for two nominations was made of every country?

How did she shaft Ireland?

That’s a strange comment. Irish exceptionalism again. We shafted ourselves.

“We” and and “them”. You sound like a brexiteer. It’s a pretty simple request you know.

Good luck trying to implement that. At least she doubles her odds of getting someone half competent.

She has infinitely more right to ask for someone competent than to ask for a choice under TEU and TFEU.

It is simple. And also simply a request she has no right to make. You are determined to conflate the 2 issues for some reason and refuse to address it. I honestly don’t know why. And you’re still shouting abuse.
If anyone questions the European union in anyway they are now ‘brexiteers’? How would you think the EU has managed in terms of a response to Corona? How is it dealing with actual right wing political machinations in Poland and Hungary? The EU has many flaws and is lacking in oversight. I’d still rather be in it than out though.

Very well after a bad start at the beginning.

Slowly, with the very limited tools it has available.

You’re all het up about it. It’s a simple request, anyone can make one of those. We don’t have to comply with it, we didn’t last time for example. It’s the same for every country.

Can you tell she shafted Ireland? I’m still waiting to find out.

Unfortunately that’s where most bad starts happen.