Ireland politics (Part 1)

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Wouldn’t you think she text the mail and not a journalist from the Examiner…

No. He only molests the buffet. I posted it here at the time. He’s a lot more senior.


Is the latest track and tracing scandal the end of FF?

The anger and rage about this mess seems to be through the roof and FFG passing the buck to the HSE won’t wash when the HSE are answerable to FFG.

The HSE are answerable to nobody, bar token attempts to reshuffle the deckchairs after every scandal. The chance of root and branch reform was when the HSE was first established

The HSE are answerable to the Dept of Health and egghead.

They are his remit, if he lets them ride roughshod over them then that is his problem.

Unfortunately, it’s not his problem.

You’re halfway there…

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When’s the last time anybody was held to account for anything in the HSE?

The Doctor who spoke out against masks. He was held to account and sacked from his hospital board.


He’s actually my GP.Hes as sound a lad as you’d meet.

And it was Michael Martin who set them up.

Pretty sure it was Mary Harney

The guy before Paul Reid took the fall for the Cervical check scandal. AFAIK nobody got the chop for the children’s hospital tender

No it was Martin, June 2004.

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I love Ewans twitter. He will swing at anything



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He’s wasted in sports, should host Primetime


She’d be as well keep her gob shut.

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