Ireland politics (Part 1)

Blue shirts are circling the wagons

Shame on the Green Party.

The Greens are a fucking disgrace doing FFg’s dirty work on this. FFG have been covering up Child Sex abuse since the foundation of the state so nothing new from them. But Roderic O Gorman and his party should hang their head in shame. cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Hopefully the get voted out of existence in the next election now. O’Gorman was some prick today in the debate. Cairns asked him if he was going to take on board any ammendments from the opposition and he said no.

Roderic O Gorman is a spineless cunt. The greens are a laughing stock and will be consigned to history after the next GE.




For facilitating the covering up of Child Sex Abuse.

Ok guys, The archive was going to be sealed as part of the commissions of investigation act 2004, what this bill does is it allows for the database created by the commission to be kept out of the archive.

But I’m sure all you guys were aware of the investigation act of 2004 already?

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The database which is now exempt from the archive is being transferred to Tulsa.

Looking forward to @binkybarnes explaining why he wanted the database included with the archive

But why seal them to protect the victims when the victims want them released. Expose the state and catholic Church for what they did. This must be one of the most disgraceful weeks in the history of the state

The legislation I believe.

Worst week in the Irish states History
  • This week Level 5/Mother and baby home cover up
  • Saipan
  • IMF bailout

0 voters

They didn’t have to seal the records. They voted on it tonight

@the_man_himself is quiet on this.

It all goes back to the act mate. Without the intervention of Rod, the database would have been sealed too.

The assertion that the archive has to be sealed is strongly disputed by people that know an awful lot more about it than me. Why the fuck would it be sealed? Is it to protect the victims or the perpetrators?
This stiuf was covered up in this country for too long and this is more of it

Hopefully will leak it. Or if there is any journalist worth thir salt in this country. If the greens wernt in bed with ffg or if they had a free vote im sure they would have went against this. Interesting to see how it plays out if its forgotten in a few weeks or will drag out

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