Ireland politics (Part 1)

The argument of many is that Ireland has taken an approach to protect the right to privacy above all else, and that this is not necessarily required by law.

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Exactly the same.


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And those privacy rights have always been paramount. More likely the women that gave up babies were not allowed by the church to have contact than that they never wanted to be contacted. The church institutions are ones being protected by taking the right to privacy as the preeminent concern in this.

Agree 100%, except to say Iā€™m absolutely certain this was to protect the church and state, not the victims, either the mothers or the children


Which files? The original files from orphanages/homes or the statements from the survivors to the commission. Iā€™d say not public but I think everyone should have a right to their own information.

I think the Magdalene laundries and child abuse are two cheeks of the one arse.

Letā€™s flip it around. How many acts, approved by the AG, have been struck down by the supreme Court as unconstitutional?

No idea mate. Are we not about to go into a case of it when one arm of the state takes the other to court over the regina Doherty id cards scheme?

We certainly are. But weā€™ve established that the AGs advice can be both wrong and ignored.

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Mostly, Iā€™d agree. Theres definitely a good fe w who donā€™t/didnt want to be contacted.

And weā€™ve also established that it very rarely is.

ignored, yes.

wrong, no

So the question is whether the parent who gave up the child for adoption has the right to privacy? Personally I donā€™t think they should. A child should have a right to know. I mean the parent has the right to not have anything to do with them etc. But you are entitled to know I would think myself.

There was talks of legislation being introduced to this effect recently enough

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These things arenā€™t always black and white. What if the child was conceived as a result of a sexual assault for example?

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The whole thing is a minefield, from both sides of the spectrum. Whatā€™s undeniable is the collusion between the Church, here and abroad, and the various Governmental institutions.

Itā€™s appalling on every count, the Government failed to hold the Church bodies to account having agreed a figure, cunts.

The same oulā€™ slippery trait emerged last year, Varadkar told the Cervical smear campaigners he wouldnā€™t withhold compensation, paid the 1st 2/3 and then stalled.


Rinse and Repeat.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy hasnā€™t voted for the same party in consecutive elections for as long as I know him. Heā€™ll be anti Greens when we next go to the polls.


What have the good folk in Oklahoma got to do with this mate ?

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A Politix (Political version of a Footix)

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