Ireland politics (Part 1)

Maybe he is right. Their all cunts. He knows it but Just wants to make absolutely sure

A lot of hate out there for the greens this morning. They are on some hiding. Not only did they vote for the mother and babys legislation, they also voted against extending the eviction ban for 6 months. Iā€™m sure martin and varadkar will toss them a few scraps from the table. Probably a cycle lane in the middle of nowhere.


Yes. A lot of people buying into the populist line and misinformation out there.

Was always going to be the case but the PFG is king and that delivers. The climate catastrophe is coming. Without the Greens Ireland wonā€™t have done their bit

OK guys, can someone throw Gerry Adams name in there so @the_man_himself can get outraged as this seemingly doesnā€™t meet his moral outrage criteria?

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Good point. Gerry Adams abused a fair few irish mothers and babies too.

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Post reported.

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I donā€™t know enough about it to comment mate. I was about to reply with my outrage until I saw @Juhniallio 's post which explained it further in depth and it seems like there are pluses and minuses to the bill

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is a tout guys.


A bit like you didnā€™t know a FF former minister from a neighbouring county withheld information on a relative who was a child abuser yet actively followed the Liam Adams case.

Thatā€™s not plausible, I think itā€™s very important we highlight your agenda and blatant double standards. Why have you so little interest in all the injustices FF cover up?

Wesign woderick

What ff minister was this? Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve heard before but youd need a rolodex to keep up with the cunts.

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Brendan Kenneally.

Gerry Adams is more famous than some lad who was a politician in Laois or Offaly years ago mate. Seems like they both did the exact same thing from that description anyway and you thought it was fine when Gerry withheld information about a relative

This was a gov minister for a party you voted for.

Itā€™s just dd that you go around moralising about Gerry Adams when the case was actually in the police forceā€™s hands yet have nothing to say and actually feign ignroance when a Gov minister a few miles down the road conceals a relative being a paedophile from the authorities.

Itā€™s odd, I canā€™t believe you are trying to defend yourself here. You always seem to be on the backfoot with FF.

I was not of voting age the last time he was elected and had never heard of him until you brought it up. Laois is not a few miles from me. I donā€™t know anybody from Laois. I condemn it of course but Gerry Adams doing the same thing is always going to be more well known because of who he is

I thought Roderic Oā€™Gorman spoke well and came across very reasonably on Morning Ireland this morning.

cheers mate

it appears to me that @tazdedub & @binkybarnes didnt undertand the full story

But but but SF.

Maybe a gov minister a few miles down the road concealing a relative abusing children should have been of more concern than a case in a different jurisdiction at the other end of the island where the police failed to act on statements given.

Citing the fact that you couldnā€™t vote is an odd departure.

You seem to be on the backfoot here but thatā€™s what happens when you feign outrage to push an agenda.

Now is not the time for the forum to engage in internecine conflict. We need to pull together to fight the lockdown.