Ireland politics (Part 1)

Again, you brought up Gerry Adams, not me. I am simply responding to your post. You’re going to massive lengths as usual to get away from the fact that you think it’s ok to cover up child sexual abuse if it’s someone that you admire

I think anybody covering up child sexual abuse is a scumbag regardless of anything else they have done, including that FF politician. You don’t and you have to live with that


I brought up the fact that once again you were found missing in action and feigning ignorance when it comes to more FF shame. It’s odd that you get yourself versed up in the actions of what happens with another political party in another jurisdiction but are so ignorant to what happens on your own doorstep with the political party you actually vote for.

You’re on the backfoot again here. Feigning ignorance to not take FF to task is pathetic as is using victims as political footballs like you do, routinely.

id take issue with this part

“Yeah and I would have, in the normal course, expected that GDPR would apply to the archives. But when the GDPR was introduced in Ireland in 2018, the commission of investigations legislation, that 2004 act, was amended to explicitly exclude GDPR from applying to the commission’s archive. So the act was explicit, that was done explicitly in 2018. Now I wasn’t in the Oireachtas at that point so I don’t know the thinking behind that. But that very explicit exclusion is what prevents the application of GDPR in this situation…”

i doubt if the actions yesterday or in 2018 would stand up to any sort of judicial scrutiny either in the superior courts here or in Europe

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You are a proper Eamon Ryan type Green. Delighted to receive a pat on the head from a Blueshirt.


the greens (jobriath) and FG (gravey)

Sure if Eamo can head of to the middle of nowhere to open some cycle lane that goes nowhere its all good. These are the greens the greens care about.

Still swinging

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Ah here! There was absolutely no need for the Laois jibe.

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Could be worse could accuse someone of being from Tipp but that would be defamation

A more defamatory version of Godwin’s law. Parkinson’s Law. Every internet debate will eventually involve one party accusing the other of being from Laois.


Who rattled Ewans cage?

No one apparently he is facing down all comers. You’d have to say fair fucks to him.

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Ewan has nothing left to lose.

Charlie not feeling the love in the replies to that :rofl:

That Kildare bastard.

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That’s a rollercoaster of a tweet :grin:

I keep thinking of Charlie Flanagan’s face when he read that tweet. It’s cheered me up considerably. I have changed my opinion of Ewan. He’s a national treasure.


The mother and baby legislation shitstorm is building. Article in examiner half an hour ago about mass green party resignations. Roderick hung out to deny by Martin, Ryan and Varadkar.