Ireland politics (Part 1)

It’s a broad church from FG on bikes to eco-socialists

We need a left wing greens. Red Greens or Yellows if you will.

Gone off lettuce.

The Greens are watermelons

He made a rod for his own back there.

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Saoirse McHugh seen this coming a long time ago tbf to her.

Being in opposition has really helped FG

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This is a dinger


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: the seethe

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The PR system ?

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That’s pretty shit really. What’s the message? Our TDs are more wanted? It’s a bit like the #ThisMeansMore shit the Liverpool fans lap up.

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Can you point me something in Bunracht na h-Éireann that states a TD must be elected on the first count to be appointed a Minister or hell forbid Taoiseach

FWIW worth the thing above by FG is a crock of shit too

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Tax cheats cheat us all

Cc @Tim_Riggins

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There’s a load of shite lads off the panel starting in the first 15 because of who they are.Thats all.

September the 9th? Poll is surely irrelevant at this stage

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