Ireland politics (Part 1)

You’d be a shit senior party member to be wasting a surplus of votes.

Holy fuck. This is truth. To own this feeling and be able to explain. I hope this man finds some peace…

Razan (@RazanIbra_) Tweeted:
Years ago, this brave man exposed the abuse and stood firm against the government trying to cover it up.
It is 2020 and the same government is covering up #MotherandBabyHome.
We won’t be silent and we will keep up the fight till the end.
#StandForTruth #UnsealTheArchive

What is it with this government and their obsession with kicking sleeping dogs and just making trouble for themselves? Mother and babies homes last week and now cervical check this week.

It now appears The Minister for Children didn’t understand or maybe didn’t want to understand the full story. An embarrassing u turn for the government. If it was raining soup the Greens would be outside with a FFG supplied fork.

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The much maligned Regina Doherty was rather scathing of Shane Ross on Radio this morning.
It appears Ross has a book out (who hasn’t) where he attempts to regale punters with some tales from his time as a Minister.
Regina felt that while attempting to bring an air of levity to proceedings he overstepped the mark by personalising things a tad.

I have decided, in the light of these revelations, not to buy the book. Sorry Shane.

I’m sure the independent will print most of it.

If Regina don’t like it then it must be worth buying.

Ah here lads, is this taking the piss?

What’s this about?

Whats the feeling here on the goverment collapsing before Christmas? FFG have 86 of the 160 seats. With the latest leo the leak revelations and him not stepping down it’ll take a revolute of 7 goverment TDs to bring it down.

FF have had Cowen and Callaly step down to keep the public perspective healthy. FG only lost big Phil from Europe. FF have some backbenchers with long knives waiting, the old guard of eamonn o cuiv, willie o dea and big Jim all gunning for MM. That leaves 2 more TDs to tip the balance of the goverments hands. I’m sure ff have more looking for an edge for themselves.

The greens may have a few TDs turn. Not sure on who or why they might. They have got the guarantees on their environmental and cycling infrastructure

Active travel infrastructure


Whatever you call it. Ye got what ye campaigned for. At least you can say the green party delivered on their promise

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None of them want an election in December. In the middle of a potential lockdown. Not even Sinn Fein.

Could it happen. Yes. It would be fantastic entertainment but I’d worry about another six months to form a government after it again.

Imagine an election with no in person campaigning, it’ll keep rte open for a few months

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What a speech What a woman :clap: :clap:


Catherine Connolly should be running the country :ireland: :ireland:


That’s brilliant.

What’s Paddy hinting at now?