Ireland politics (Part 1)

Martin himself led the charge in 17 over Mrs Whelan, demanding the minister make herself accountable to the Dail. He has endangered FF future for personal ambitions and the members can’t see it. Is there any party here that isn’t a cult?

Tomas Byrne FF TD, always strikes me as someone who wouldn’t take too much goading to completely lose the cool.

Remember Enda doing it and his infamous “Mea Culpa” statement. He didn’t last long after that. Leo is in the same boat now, will always be remembered as Leotheleak

I’ve no issue with a minister having to be answerable to the Dail. I was just curious if the questioning format had changed. Certainly the way it was carried out recently seemed new to me so I was just curious if that was different to previous.

Jack Chambers is another.

A greyhound bill will be brought this week

Voting against this so as to keep your commitments to the pfg is the mature thing to do

Jesus christ. Mind yourself coming back down from that height!

?? I really wasn’t trying to make a political point - just curious about the process/mechanics which struck me as quite different during the Leo stuff.

There are different situations. All Ministers have to go into the Dail every few weeks to answers questions about issues in there sphere, this is where the questions are submitted prior to the session so the Minister can prepare an answer or answer those that are important. The one they want McEntee to come in for is one where she is not given the questions in advance and she makes a statement and then the opposition can question her on it.

Catherine Murphy explains the difference here.

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The govt are winding up the business committee. All because Helen can’t handle a few questions. It’s beyond a parody now at this stage. FF are finished

They seem intent on pissing everyone off.

Thanks - that was useful. I guess the PQ process was the normal (boring) type Q&A that is a familiar sight. She mentions questioning of ministers outside that but it’s a pity she doesn’t have more detail of that format and how common it takes place. Do ministers appear before committees for questions too or is that just civil servants?

I’m not sure I understand her point about questions being ruled out because they don’t relate to the ministers area.

It’s a great way of getting out of awkward questions. Disallow it on a technicality and pray the PQ office agrees with you.

On written questions you can answer a couple of questions in the same answer because they are related.

Much easier to catch McEntee out on oral PQs than written ones and thus get to the bottom of the matter


He allegedly ratted out Barry Cowen, karma will get him eventually for that alone.

He had to get in the little dig there at the end as well. :slight_smile:

Martin got hammered from all sides yesterday.

That final bitchy remark on the football doesn’t reflect well on McGrath. Tipperary have been shite for years. The Dail isn’t for personal insults, it’s a serious business.

Martin is the same as well with his under the breath comment telling Mary Lou “Ah shut up outta that”.

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Martin’s a cunt and McGrath was right

You can’t bate the tipp accent