Ireland politics (Part 1)

Heā€™ll let McGuiness land the first jab and then heā€™ll arrive in with a right hook

Has she resigned?

Sheā€™ll only resign when Leo tells her to resign.

Has the government collapsed yet?

I didnā€™t catch it, Iā€™ll take your word for it. Your man, MacLochlann, must be still in A&E since his battering from Chunky last week. Telling, innitā€™.

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Are FF completely finished?

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They would seem to have a natural constituency in very old mentallers, shitting their pants over Covid.

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Downside of them finishing would be FG forever, canā€™t see the Irish public leaving either any time soon in any great numbers for SF , thought of Leo and company being dominant for years would put the country back something awful

My question is how could you vote for any of them . All are dreadful .


They increased their poll figure - from a low base but I think the long term prognosis is near on terminal .

I still thing FG are going to go in to free fall soon as the arrogance is utterly off the scale . Leo is turning in to a liability

FF need ROD back or they are at nothing


And Mattie

That which is dead can never die

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They probably are FFinished but thatā€™s a bad thing I think as it seems every party is finished now bar FG and SF. The problem with that is there a huge amount of people of all ages and backgrounds who will never vote for sf so we could be stuck with fg in government forever.

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SFā€™s biggest asset is FG and FGā€™s biggest asset is SF. Both are happy to turn it into a 2 party Punch n Judy show


Celtic and Rangers. Fianna Fail are the equivalent of East Fife or St Mirren

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SFā€™s biggest asset is not being FFFG whereas FFFG asset is entitled gentry, establishment stooges and D4 elite who will always vote for them.

The establishment stooges are a dying breed however so wonā€™t be long now. RTE and the MSM canā€™t quite dictate like they used to.