Ireland politics (Part 1)

Once again the mask slips from a SF TD. You’ve got a right dinger in your backyard @myboyblue


We are stuck with coalition governments or further confidence and supply arrangements for some time.

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Do you distinguish between kilmichael and narrow water? I don’t. Both occupying military targets and fair game. The people who say kilmichael was great and narrow water was terrorism are hypocrites


What’s the difference?

Occupying forces killed by the IRA during a war for independence?

Why did he delete the tweet

A terrible backtrack and climb down

Embarrassing for SF IRA formed in 1970

Aye I posted that yesterday evening, some bucko

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If it’s something to be crowing about why did he delete his tweet ?

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Well done. You’ve changed tack as you are unable to address the point.

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I think someone who celebrates or crows about either these days would want to take a hard look at themselves and is acting directly against the prospect of a united Ireland.

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So you resent the War of Independence?



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I hadn’t thought of that angle tbf.

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Shinners need to get Violet-Ann Wynne to assuage their followers doubts on vaccines

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Vaccines appear to be a class based issue for some reason

This guy was appointed as a Minister in TWO Governments

I’ve a splitting headache now


SF members will need to individually ask the army council first


Leo needs to ask his mate.