Ireland politics (Part 1)

Simple simon has given his minons the login details

Simon taking on the bully boys there.

He doesn’t stand a chance

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Its a real oh look at sinn fein feeling to his replies

Matt Carthy v Kate O Connell on Claire Byrne live at the moment. Kate looks like she couldnt give a fuck.

Kate has managed to pin anti-vax to SF here. It’s a SF policy as well.
Claire has jumped in now to ask if Brian Stanley should quit PAC.

Kate has managed to keep the entire discussion about SF being anti -science. Matt is very good but he’s been backed into a corner here.

This Government are so out of touch - pushing through pay increases for senior civil servants while also refusing to budge on the pay for student nurses. It looks terrible.

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Carthy absolutely destroyed the crazy Fluoride lady.

Fair enough mate. Possibly in your world. In reality the fact is he spent the entire discussion defending SF’s stance on flouride and being anti-vaxx. She drove the entire agenda. She linked SF to being anti-science. IT was highly impressive ‘Look-over-thereing…’

In any non-partisan person’s mind he did her up like a Kipper. You’ve spent too long on the the FG teat to be able to speak objectively.

What does ‘doing her up like a kipper’ entail in debating terms? She brought up absolute nonsense about SF… and he answered it! He actually engaged with her nonsense. You’d never do that on here. It was pathetic on his part. I’d worry if he has the ability to step up at any stage if that’s his level.

He showed her up nonsense. All she was doing was bleating about fluoride like a crazy lady. Carthy made her look like the headbanger she is.

I wonder does Kate lurk here after googling her name.

I see Aodhan O Riorden blames the growth of domestic violence on single sex educated schools. Is there a bigger useless wanker in Irish politics than this fella?



Has he information to back that up ??

Wouldn’t it be some craic if a TD was a prominent poster on here.

Imagine some of the unrelenting volume of dirt you could dig up.


Aodhan O Riordhan is the truth

Truly fucking useless