Ireland politics (Part 1)

It’s what keeps Paddy poor and more importantly in line

No it’s not an Ireland thing. It’s a common refrain from those that don’t want to make the effort to address inequality. “You’re a bleeding heart and I’m living in the real world.” It’s a common response from those that can’t argue on merit. “The magic money tree” falls into the same category.

Eamon Eamon Eamon


I’ll be able to drop the in laws home, right?


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They’ll have to go in the bunker with the girls. Do they like lotion?


Went shopping know he was going for a test. Complete disregard for guidelines. He has to go. Who will be agri minster no. 4

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Assume misogyny, bullying etc in one of the big 3 parties will make a splash today in the msm? It would if it were one of them anyway

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What’s ironic is some no mark in sf resigned a few weeks ago and was in national media next day.

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Let’s see how the Irish Times cover this.

Will the journalist shills bother to investigate this?


Disgraceful behaviour

What would you give Aoife out of ten?

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I’d give her one


Careful, someone could tweet that to her

The misogyny crew are up