Ireland politics (Part 1)

Would Tesla go bankrupt if you didn’t buy those shares?

Another sentence in Martin’s reply to RBB that he go away with was the " you live in a fantasy economic wonderland and if you ever got in to power thousands and thousands of jobs would migrate from this country. That’s the reality"

How many jobs have migrated from Ireland under FFG policies

That was how the article finished up btw. It was more about the media attitude than the semantics in any case Biff Egan.

The housing crisis is heavily influenced by emigrants returning, we’ve had net migration for the last number of years

In terms of jobs lost and created are you genuinely arguing we’d be better off with Richard Boyd Barret et al and our leading manufacturing centre O’Dell computers.
Martin may have presided over fuck ups but I don’t think Trotskyists are the answer so he’s correct on that point

We’ve had mass migration under FFG govts. That’s a fact.

You suppose, that the same would occur under PBP

See the difference?

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We’ve had full employment either side of the financial crisis.

I can safely predict a government that has a stated objective of seizing private companies would be negative for private sector job creation. Then again, as a cosseted civil servant you might be ok.

And a devastating economic crash in the middle with a national debt that will hang over generations for centuries in all likelihood. Caused by FFG policies.

His lack of insight and judgement was staggering. Not only the Holocaust denying but then had the temerity to finish off his rattled rant by saying if Boyd-Barrett was in government jobs would flow out of the country. To use job losses as a weapon when denying the actual bail out and all the misery and job losses that followed from it…absolutely incredible really. What a fucking cunt. A thick FFG cunt for all to see.

Edit: I see you made that point in a later post.


SF and FG are two cheeks of the same arse .

I’m far from a lefty but this dependence on FDI has to be challenged. When they leave what have we got? FFG doing nothing for domestic economy and now are willing to let corporations sue future govts for loss of revenue.

The domestic economy will be sustained by the kitchen island industry

The lazy analysis there.

It’s a bit like those who try to equate loyalism and nationalism into the same equation. There’s a seismic difference in that regard.

SF have far, far more integrity than FG or FF have.

If you’re a pensioner and you criticise FG on twitter FG politicians will turn up outside your house to threaten you and they’ll tell you that you’re going to be arrested.


Politics is becoming cult like in Ireland. It’s all going to end in tears


It has been cult like in the FS state since its inception.

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Any word from Kneel today?

He has to go

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And the little weasel goes into hiding after he says it using covid as an excuse. Typical of the Cork coward.

You’re spot on with everything there, again.

This is the kind of bullshit claim that centre and right parties keep trotting out. “We own reality”, your policies are magic money tree. Goes unchallenged time after time. Despite all evidence to the contrary.

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It’s a subset of the TINA mindset