Ireland politics (Part 1)

the ones in ireland started in 1928

Precisely. He practically allowed them to write it and they took full advantage. We are still having referendums trying to correct it. There really is no need to look too far beyond this as the kernel source that helped facilitate Ireland becoming the half baked semi theocracy it became. Including all that comes with that

@Thomas_Brady, at what point did Catholicism become an essential part of ā€œIrishnessā€?

Iā€™d say from the land war in 1880s onā€¦ Or thereabouts.

Why then during the famine did many choose to starve rather than take to soup and convert to Protestantism?

Many didā€¦ But we resisted Protestant advances going all the way back to Henry VIIIā€¦ I wouldnā€™t say that was out of devotion to church but more our own traditions and peasant beliefs as well as history were tied in with Catholicism . Weā€™re a stubborn lot really.

Salvation army started in the 1890s I think it was

Read down a bit and it goes in to where they originated.

Cc @artfoley

It wasnā€™t being discussed and I was offline in the period between when it started being discussed on here and when you tagged me

For me Ireland became uber catholic when we gained independence and Dev was in charge. If look at the country after independence it seems that the government passed the care of the people and the education of the people over to the church and you have to look a people who were in charge at the beginning of independence such as Dev who was devout catholic.

Thought it was despicable that the Sindo broke the details of this on Sunday. Canā€™t imagine it got them that many extra sales and the hurt they caused by revealing the details before the families had heard was completely unnecessary

Also what was point of the person leaking it to the Indo? What did they get out of leaking it?

Just another happy coincidence.

take the focus off FFG and put the spotlight on roderick and how he handles the whole thing with an extra few days of pressure.

compliant press are utter scum

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another failure that is escaping the shame and blame in the M&B story is the media. complicity through silence.


Dev was a devout Dev worshipper.
He facilitated the Catholic church because they facilitated him. Sin e.

Can anyone paste the sindo article? Iā€™ve not seen it.

I could take a shit on a plate and put up a photo of it? Itā€™d be of similar journalistic merit.

**[quote=ā€œflattythehurdler, post:9495, topic:18085, full:trueā€]

Dev was a devout Dev worshipper.
He facilitated the Catholic church because they facilitated him. Sin e.

Dev was the original Domnic Cummins